Morning Boob Started by: Emma

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  • Emma 1

    I’m 4 weeks post op and wonder whether anyone else experiences morning boob in one boob? Am I right in that it feels like some one is pushing on a bruise feeling?! It’s not pain just uncomfortable… I’m a bit worried in case there is something wrong where it’s only one boob. As the morning goes on the feeling goes away. Thanks x


    Each morning I have an aching pain and they feel alien again like still stuck on but it goes by the time I leave the bedroom. Strange as I still sleep on my back. Not sure if that’s the same sensation your having?


    Every morning I wake up with a strange achy feeling in my left boobie. I am 5 weeks post op + have only just started sleeping for a bit on my left side. I am still sleeping half + half on my back, but it’s getting better. As soon as I sit up in bed + go to get up, the feeling goes. No doubt just part of one of the changes. I will ask the nurse when I go for my 6 week check on weds x x

    Emma 1

    Thanks ladies. I am fine now so it can’t be anything bad as I suppose I would feel it all the time. I sleep on my back with 2 pillows but have gone back to 3 again! Like you say, it’s probably just part of healing etc. xx

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