Mounir girls come forward :) Started by: Gabby

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  • Gabby

    Keep changing which surgeon I want a consultation with thinking more mounir now, anyone want to share there experiences please xx


    I’m 15 days post op and had Mr Mounir. I absolutely love this man! He was friendly, funny, bubbly, made me feel at ease and actually knew what he was talking about! I can’t fault him in any way what so ever and couldn’t have asked for a better surgeon!!! Xxx

    Kelly R

    hia! iv got my ba in march with him ! he was fab in the consultations! I was stuck between him and mr traynor but felt a lot more comfortable with mounir ! most of the girls who iv messaged on here says his work is very neat and couldn’t fault him for anything! xxx


    I had him , he’s perfect


    Oh that’s good 🙂 are you 100% happy with your breasts 🙂 and how many consultations did you have with him before your surgery Hun xx


    I’m more than 100% happy with them haha. Even the nurse said my incisions are the smallest she has ever seen and that he had done a brilliant job! I only met him once before the op and then on the day too, that was because I managed to get a cancellation so there wasn’t really another chance to see him before the big day haha xx

    phoenix 1

    Hi gabby, just had my BA today with Mr Traynor, got no complaints at all, the whole process has felt right and been smooth. My sister had her BA 2 weeks ago with Mr Traynor and again she is really impressed, little pain and small incisions. My advice would be to try and meet both surgeons and decide after that, go with who feels right for you. X


    Hi I had mr mounir and so far I’m really happy xx


    I had him over a year ago and would highly recommend him he is a boogie genius x


    HI, I had a consultation with Mr Mounir on Saturday and was very happy, I was a bit concerned about whether I would be able to have surgery (I had a pulmonary embolism last year) and as soon as I mentioned it he rang the anaesthetist to discuss whether I would be able to go ahead with GA or whether I would have to go the sedation route or not at all. He was very thorough with taking measurements and discussing posisible complications and should they occur what would need to be done to fix it. Going back on this Saturday to try chicken fillets again and make a decision on size. I can’t wait till my op! 😀 xxx


    Thanks girls all brilliant 🙂 eekkkk so excited :)! Xx

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