Movement… Started by: Alice

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  • Alice 27

    Hi girls I’m 16 days post op today and can feel, what I’d explain as, my implant moving around in my right boob. Everytime I get up from sitting down it moves, walking (especially if it’s cold), lifting my right arm etc. It’s a really strange feeling. I’m going to contact my clinic tomorrow but wondered if any of you are experiencing this also? X


    Hi hun, as far as I know this is normal and your implants need more time to settle. This should subside within time, try not to panic too much and make sure you get plenty of rest when you can xx

    Alice 27

    Thanks @lisamaria , I went back to work Wednesday (office work but driving to and from) and it’s been happening since then so my initial worry is that I’ve over done it at some point, but then again If I’m not at work I’m resting. I am trying to be patient but I also still have a swollen cleavage area which I’m a little worried about to, it hasn’t gone down much in 11 days (had strapping off day 5 post op and this is when the swelling in the cleavage area started). I know it all takes time, I think I just need reassurance that what I am experiencing is normal. Thanks again x


    We all heal differently hun, don’t worry to much. I’m guessing you have had partials or unders? You could possibly purchase a chest band to help push your implants into position sooner. Xx

    Alice 27

    Yea I know I’m trying not to lol! I had partials. I’m going to ask my nurse about a breast band, I’ve read lots of pros and cons with them! Have you used one? X


    That’s best hun, I’ve never used one as always had overs. Good luck and I wish you a speedy recovery xx

    Alice 27

    Lucky you! Thank you very much x


    Not really lucky hun as there are pro’s and cons for unders, partials and overs. For example I have more chance of cc and rippling with overs but less recovery time. If I could have had partials I would have as they don’t sag as fast as overs 🙂 xx


    You’re welcome hun 🙂 xx

    Alice 27

    Oh really, sorry, I’m not very educated in all this boobie business lol! I trusted my surgeon knew best so was happy to go with what he advised, and didn’t even really question it at all. I researched partials after I knew I was having them but haven’t really researched overs & unders. I’ve read on here that a lot of the girls who have had overs are recovering quite a bit quicker, that’s where I came to the conclusion they were lucky because my recovery seems to be dragging on forever lol. X


    Ahh don’t be sorry hun, what ever the surgeon suggests for us is what is best 🙂 just didn’t want you thinking you had a bad deal having partials that’s all xxx

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