Mr Adamo Started by: myario

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    I was booked in with Mr Adamo as he gives a natural result I was told, which is what I am hoping for. I am 36A/B at the moment 5ft 3 and have booked for 340 overs and have been told to buy a C & D cup bra which sounds fabulous as am fed up never being able to fill anything! I have just come back from holiday and whilst I am happy to go topless it doesn’t mean I like what I’ve got, but knowing my figure will be enhanced in only a few days got me through!
    Am glad to read Bethanie that your scars are neat & in the crease as thats one thing I am anxious about.
    Soniarobin, my friend had her ba with Mr Singh as she wanted bigger I think she is about 32 E/F now so why not see both surgeons? I liked Mr Adamo and he spent along time discussing the size I wanted so will have to let you when I have had it done.


    Hi Sonia,
    Sounds like could be good news, I paid


    Hi Rach:)Read your ‘surgery’ and sounds like it went like a dream, so pleased for you.I ahve seen some pre-op boobies just like mine on the sofem site and they have had just implants and look fab now so i have hope!Others that had uplift aswell don’t look so natural so I would defo rather have implants alone.It has taken us so many years to save the3k and I need to go to uni so uplift is just not an option-can’t afford to save for another7years:(Anyway, sounds like super MYA may be able to fix me without uplift and I won the comp so got


    Hi Sonia,
    It was my sister & yes she did feed all of them, hence no boobs left I suppose! She, like me though are quite small but shape doesn’t need an uplift, I can appreciate your worries but confident the surgeons (at MYA) are experienced to give a correct and informed decision about yours, so imagine they should agree whether you would or not.
    My sister had hers done in NZ but my friend who went with Mr Singh (fab result 380 lp overs) has not had kids yet.
    If it is the case you need an uplift, hang on & save the pennies but also try haggling, I did & got the overnight free.
    Have you had any luck on other forums?
    Thanks for your good luck wishes, hope its over quickly! Am going in on my own then booked a car to collect me, no one at home (kids sent away) so looking forward to back to back dvd’s & crappy magazines (lovely best friend deliving food daily!).
    R xx


    Hiya rach-oh it’s weds-woohoo:)I am going to go see Dr.Adamo aswell now and a mybreast surgeon then see who I feel most comfortable with-don’t want to mess up my boobs even more cos couldn’t afford to fix em!!Did your friend breastfeed Rachel?You know I can’t afford uplift and hoped to manage with just implants?Someone said Dr.Singh said he could fix them like this but now she just has huge sagging tits worse than before-yikes!!Maybe she didn’t wear the suppotr bra?Or maybe it was a mess up but I don’t want that-eeek!Looking for positive outcomes of implants alone when boobs are borderline cos bit saggy for uplift.Good luck rachel:) x


    Not yet……am booked in 26th Aug so only a few days to go. Am happy to read Jacqui’s story especially about no strapping!!! I am going with Mr Adamo……..have a consultation with him.
    My friend went with Mr Singh & has a fabulous result.
    Rachel xxx


    Oooooh I bet Rachel has had her surgery by now-how exciting!!!Let us know the results !!xxxxxxxxxxxxxx-have heard two very negative comments about Dr.Singh and starting to panic-tell me some good stuff rachel;)xx

    fiona 1

    Hi Rachel

    I was worried about surgery but I didn’t really think about how I would be post op! I tried not to worry about it too much as I really didn’t know what to expect, although I had been warned it would be painful, particularly if having unders/partial unders. Yes I did have some pain, but no way near as much as having 2 wisdom teeth out, that was an awful experience for me! I found the drive home from Highgate was painful, going around corners in the car was tough. I couldn’t open the car door, those little things you take for granted were so hard to do. We stopped off to get some food on the way home and my partner thought I could just open the door and I really couldn’t, I actually got a bit emotional as I felt uncomfortable and probably overwhelmed about the whole experience that I’d finally had the BA I’d wanted for 10 years!

    Post op it can be uncomfortable and painful, it varies from person to person depending upon how well you can tolerate pain, but then you have painkillers and antiinflammatories which will help. The pain and discomfort will be worth it in the end and once you get through it and your body heals you forget how it was!!! It was only 7 weeks go for me but it seems like ages ago now!

    I posted my story a while ago after having my BA on 26 June so you’ll be able to read how I got on.

    Fiona x


    I was recommended by a friend who had also recommended another who was also really happy (both Mr Singh) and I agree about the forum. Really happy to hear about the aftercare from other too!
    Good luck with your decicion Sonia, am sure yuor gut instinct will help you.
    I am on countdown to next wed girls so wish me luck!


    I was in the same boat hun. I had a consultation booked with another company but i think I already knew I’d end up going with MYA. For me it was the aftercare that swung it. x


    Oh thanks for giving me your thoughts.I have decided to see Dr.Singh then make an appointment for Dr.Adamo.I have seen harley street and going to see mybreast but even though I have to meet a surgeon with mya I am already favouring them.I just think that if they have a forum where patients can write their thoughts/feelings/complaints with it being in print immediately then they must know they are good,No company with any concern about getting bad feed back would dare have an open forum such as this.Actually it is only mya that seem to have this:)


    Hi Fiona,
    Have been reading so many posts on here, mainly very good and happy with the results. What was your experience post op?
    I have mixed emotions like most on here, scared then really excited but most of all worried about the post op recovery as it sounds really uncomfortable for some.
    Rachel x

    fiona 1

    Hi ladies

    I had BA with Mr Singh 7 weeks ago, he has done an amazing job. I don’t think that he particularly specialises in bigger boobs – I had 380 cc partial unders and I don’t think that’s a large implant compared to some!!!!!! I wanted to be a small D – had boobs measured today though and I’m actually wearing 30F bras, but always depends upon style of bra – they don’t actually look that big – it was a shock but good :) – my boobs look very natural. When you specify that you want the natural look (which I did) then that’s what he will do, no matter which surgeon you have.

    I think that every MYA surgeon is very popular, Mr Adamo just seems to be the most talked about at the moment, it changes from week to week!

    Good luck to you all with your forthcoming BA’s – bet you are all so excited!!!!! :)

    Fiona xx


    Does anyone know if Mr Adamo works just from London or whether he visits any other clinics?

    I’m in Cardiff and already seen one surgeon but Mr Adamo was my preferred choice so would’ve liked a consultation.

    I know a few people have said he’s only in London but a friend of mine saw him last month locally so just wondered if anyone else out there is having him but not from London.

    I’ve emailed my pc but not heard back yet.

    Thanks xxx

    bethanie 1

    well looking at mine on day 16 post op I would say that is very true. They look more naturel than I ever thought they would and the scars are very neat and right in the crease.


    Thanks girls.Someone else said he is good at creating a natural look which is defo what I hope to achieve as I so don’t want to look fake!I have4kids ’embarrassment’ to think of!!x


    Hiya, it’s not so much that I favour him over anyone else but after doing my research it appeared that he would be able to give me the results I was looking for and as I have alreay had one consultation, I thought it would be a good idea to see someone else to make sure low profiles are gonna be right for me. I also heard that Mr adamo has a lovely manner and puts you at ease. I have heard the same of Mr Singh as well. In fact i’ve heard nothing bad about any of the mya surgeons

    rio x

    bethanie 1

    Hi Rio

    That is great news – he is wonerful – good luck with it and let us know what you decide.

    I am unsure why people favour him – I didnt have a choice of surgeon just happened to be dr adamo and post booking I was looking over the websites and found nothing but praise for him. I dont know if he specilises as you say but he was very honest with me – I wanted them to look real so he wouldnt give me a requested full DD as he said my frame was too small and I am so glad I listened to him, and full D is plenty and they look great.
    I am sure if you request some info for Dr Singh there will be plenty of girls with positive feed back about him also.


    Dr.Adamo seems very popular-is there anything he specialises in?My pc said she’d put me with Dr.Singh as he specialises in larger implants but I am only wanting a dd/e-though my boobs are really empty after breatsfeeding and weight loss-maybe he good at fixing this with larger implants?Just wondered why people seem to favour Dr.Adamo?Thank you,Soniax


    OMG am soooo happy. My pc just got back to me to say he’s visiting Cardiff on 28th August so I’m booked in for a consultation then, am pretty sure I’m gonna book that same day!! Thanks for all the replies.

    Rio xxx


    Wow! I’m so glad you got something back for your trouble hun, that’s an awfully long way to travel for a consultation!

    So he does visit cardiff then?? If so I would definitely like to see him, I want a second opinion on what I’ve been told already and he was my number one choice of surgeon to begin with.

    bethanie 1


    I live in Newport and had a consultation with Dr Adamo booked in cardiff but he couldnt make it on the day of the appt. I had to travel to London to see him as my op was within 7 days and the results was I had an exra 250 pound discount for my troubles! horray!
    He only operates in London though as far as I am aware


    Hi, i went to see him for a consultation at Nottingham, but having my op in London x x


    Thanks hun, that’s what I’m hoping for, that I can get a consultation closer to home x


    hi, he only operates in london but he goes to other clinics just for the consultation.x

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