Mr Giannas – Uplift & implants -350cc HP Overs Started by: Chloe.T.

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  • Chloe.T. 4

    Hi. Wanted to share my recent experience. I found this forum really helpful but some of the answers I needed were on really old threads and not necessarily still applicable so hopefully this helps others. (I’ll try and keep it brief to main points!)

    My Op was 13th May at New Victoria Hospital with over night stay.
    I think Mya need to update the emails and info regarding Covid as nothing was applicable when I got to the hospital.
    I didn’t need to wait outside for any covid results to be checked & no face masks were needed. I went straight to the desk to check in at my admission time 10.30.
    I took the 72 hour test before and registered it as instructed. The lady asked if I was asked to take a test. I said yes and I registered it and have confirmation but she didn’t even really look at it. No other covid test was done.

    I went to my room and the nurse took my Vituals and a urine sample then Mr giannas come in and drew on me and then the anaesthetist came in – all within an hour of being there and were all very nice.
    I ordered food for afterwards and breakfast from the menu. I went down about 2.30.
    I was back in my room at 5.10. I had no pain whatsoever.
    My boyfriend was with me and stayed till 8.00pm (he could of stayed later)
    I didn’t really Sleep, I wasn’t in any pain it’s just not like being at home in your own bed.
    I was discharged at 9.00am after breakfast and being given all my meds.

    I’m 6 days PO and have had no pain whatsoever. I’ve taken the codeine as instructed whether needed it or not. First 3 days 2 at 7am 12pm 5pm and 10pm. Then cut down to 2 in the morning at night and one in middle times. Yesterday I cut down to 1 at each time and skipped the 12 o’clock. Today I’ve taken 1/2 of one and see if I can manage cutting a few out.
    No pain at all just sometime it feels a bit like mild sunburn but that comes and goes.
    The codeine makes you bloated and going to the toilet impossible but I’ve been taking tablets which helped.
    Also struggling with food a bit the medication seems to heighten my taste and most things taste really salty.

    I brought the Malcom bras which can get quite tight. I’ve also got one from Amazon I’m wearing today which is a bit comfier to give me a bit of a break. Still as supportive but bottom band not as restrictive.

    First day back from hospital I sat in the sofa and just got up and walked round the house. From then on I’ve been up every morning and dressed and make up on by 9am. I’ve sat for no longer than 1.5 hours at a time. My other half has the week off and been doing the garden, so I go and sit out there to supervise make tea etc. I feel capable of doing most things to be honest but don’t as I don’t want to over do it. Cups and things that are high up I’ve left in the side so I don’t overreach and I’m banned from loading the dishwasher or putting washing in. I’m capable of making dinner carefully if the stuff is out but my boyfriend would rather he do it in case.

    Had my hair washed and braided to make it easy. I took them out this morning. My bf is going to wash it later for me. I could do it but I don’t want to get my plasters wet.
    I have a walk in shower so have showered my lower bits from day one. & sponge washed my top half.

    Smoking – I only had 8 weeks from consultation to surgery so cut down from 20 a day to 8 2 weeks before. From a week before I managed to get down to 2 a day. My last cigarette was 8am the Friday (24 hours before) they really stress about giving up smoking which I completely understand for healing purposes but I was more anxious & worried about the nicotine test than I was the procedure. To the point I nearly cancelled 4 days before. When mr giannas the nurse & anaesthetist asked about smoking I told them the truth. They said I’d done well and that was that!

    I’ve been wearing jeans & leggings with a vest top (I’ve steeped into & pulled up) and zip up hoodies. Can lift up my arms to wear whatever tops but still trying to be sensible and go steady.

    Sleeping – I thought I was going to struggle but have slept right though so far. Two pillows propped up and a travel neck pillow. I have a wedge pillow but haven’t used it. My back is starting to ache a bit now with constantly being upright which is getting a bit comfortable trying to sit in the evenings.

    I finished my job contract 3 weeks before my op & my next ones not due to start for a while so lucky I’m able to be at home but I’d be confident I could do 99% of my office job from Monday. (9 days PO)

    Any questions please ask 🙂

    Emma 2

    Hi Chloe this is really helpful thank you, I have my op in the 24th June and have wondered all this things that you have mentioned
    I have my pre op tomorrow via video call so I’m hoping I will have a bit more I for on Covid testing etc
    I smoke about 3 a day but I mostly vape and I don’t think I could stop both of them altogether
    Do they do a nicotine test at the hospital?
    How are you feeling now?x

    Chloe.T. 4

    Hi Emma,
    Yes the covid stuff Mya send is very conflicting & in my opinion outdated. It was the covid bits I was worried about as it all seemed a lot of faff when I got my admission time email. They told me at my econsult I could have someone with me but my admission time email said I couldnt and you have to wait outside temp checks tests etc but when I got there everything was as normal with none of that happened. I guess each hospital is different but reading it adds unnecessary stress.
    The no smoking / vaping from what I understand is to do with the nicotine, it reduces your blood oxygen levels so slows down your healing rate, & scarring, hence why they tell you to stop which I completely understand. I cut right down but having the odd one calmed me down a bit when I started getting a bit anxious even though it was the failing of the nicotine test that was making me anxious lol. I don’t want to tell you they don’t test you but I was completely honest with them when they run through all my assessment questions and nothing was said. I made sure my last one was 24 hours before and had a 0 nicotine vape to keep me going. Again you’re then not supposed to smoke for two weeks after but I’ve still had a few a day. I think having surgery is a big thing and cutting out smoking was just seriously adding to my stress levels! (I know someone who has just had a hip replacement and they wasn’t told they had to give up smoking for anaesthetic or healing purposes??!)
    I’m doing really great still no pain at all sometimes a slight stabbing where the stitches are but it’s a one off for two seconds and goes again. Had my first pre op yesterday. She couldn’t believe I had had no pain at all and said I was healing well. I had slight oozing which she said was normal & changed my plasters which can come off next week. I’ve got two bits where the incisions meet that still need to knit together a bit better. I did get told off when I got on the bed as she said I’m using my arms to push and pull to much and said I need to be a bit more careful this week. I think because I’ve had no pain and feel capable of everything I’m finding it hard not just to carry on as normal and feel lazy and silly asking my other half to pass me a cup down or chuck bits in the dishwasher 🤦🏼‍♀️
    If you have any questions about anything let know. Now I’m all done it’s really not as scary as some of the posts I was reading ☺️ x

    Emma 2

    Thank you Chloe it’s really helpful knowing someone has been to the same hospital, I have just had my pre op appointment via video link and was told to stop smoking 2 weeks before and no vaping 2 weeks before even if it’s a 0% nicotine
    I will probably be ok with no cigarettes but Not sure I’m going to be able to stop vaping altogether I’m nervous now so getting closer it’s going to be even worse
    The lady said they might do a nicotine test and cancel the operation if it shows I have nicotine in my system on day of operation
    Now I’m panicking 😬
    Was the assessment questions at the hospital day of surgery?
    I’m hoping my friend can come in with me rather than wait in the car park I’m going to be a nervous wreck lol
    Thank you again for replying x

    Chloe.T. 4

    Hi Emma. Yes they told me all that too!
    What surgeon are you having? Like I said I can’t say they won’t nicotine test you but from my experience I’d just say cut down and do the best you can, and just not think about the nicotine test it makes you more anxious than the procedure itself. For me my mental state was as important as physical state and fags won to keep me calm. Lol. Some people reading this will probably think I didn’t take the non smoking seriously, I did and I really tried from 20 a day to 2 was a massive achievement for me especially being surrounded constantly with smokers! I do understand it’s important but equally I find it odd different people tell you different things. My econsult and pre op nurse said 4 weeks but I could use 0 nicotine vapes. The surgeon said 2 weeks. I guess the better the longer in their eyes but surely they should be on the same page across the board & not down to different people’s discretion!
    Don’t worry your friend will 100% be able to be with you. It’s a nice hospital, not really like a hospital to be honest and all the nurses were lovely x

    Emma 2

    Hi Chloe I’m having 350cc hp dp,
    You did so well to cut down as much as you did I don’t think they realise how hard it is to stop altogether
    I’m hoping I can find a 0% nicotine vape I like 😬
    Mr Giannas said the same to me 2 weeks before op, all very confusing
    I’m starting to get nervous about after the op now as Iv been told 2 different things about driving
    All the dos and donts are mind blowing aren’t they
    How are you feeling? X

    Chloe.T. 4

    Hi Emma, no they don’t & they put a lot of fear and pressure on you. I ordered pink lemonade elf bars off Amazon. Mr giannas never thought he’s lovely & really understanding. I haven’t driven yet but I haven’t really needed to my mums run me to Tesco etc. not sure if some of it is medication based. I’m going to wait till Tuesday till the plasters are off so I know the few bits that still need fusing together are ok but I’m a bit of an erratic driver 🤣 I’m still not exactly sure what you can and cannot do lol. I am not a sitter and don’t ever watch tele always cleaning or shifting stuff about so I thought I was doing well not doing much but the nurse said I need to go steady this week before Tuesdays appointment so not sure exactly what is to much. But I mean people with kids have to do things they can’t have someone do everything for them for weeks on end.
    I’m doing really well thanks. My cleavage feels a bit bruised but it’s where my skin is ridiculously tight and shiney. The worst part is being bored out of my mind. I have the attention span of a knat so my whole day is spent wandering from room to room to the garden and back looking at all the things I could be doing 🙈 I’d love to go out and sweep the patio and scrub the garden furniture but think they might class that as overdoing it? They said be careful for 6 weeks but Im going to clarify the next appointment exactly what being careful means.
    I know it’s hard but don’t be nervous try & look at it as exciting. To stop me worrying I completely blanked out it was happening till the night before. I also spent the evenings on clothes websites looking at all the things I’d be able to wear 😊 x

    Emma 2

    So glad you are doing well Chloe, where did you go for your consultation?
    I can only imagine the frustration of not being able to do what you want to, I’m hoping to go back to work after 6 days but on very light duties 🤞🏻
    Im really looking forward to buying clothes iv only ever been able to look at 😊
    I hope all goes well on Tuesday, please let me know how you get on
    I hope you have a lovely weekend and enjoy the sun ☀️ x

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