Mr Kazazzi / Mr Mounir. Started by: Leoni

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  • Leoni 1

    Hello ladies!
    I had my consultation with a lovely PC yesterday and I am currently trying to decide which surgeon to have a consultation with! It’s between Mr Kazazzi and Mr Mounir. They both have impressive CVs!!
    I am leaning more towards Kazazzi though. Does anyone have any experience with him an pictures would be amazing!!
    I am an empty 34B due to breast feeding and I am 5’5 size 8/10. I would ideally love to be a DD or even an E!! Xx


    I’m having mounir, he’s got a great personality I felt so comfortable
    Around him, he knows what he’s talking about too x

    Leoni 1

    Thankyou doll! What size are you and which size were you offered? If you don’t mind me asking.. X


    I had mr kazzazi! I had 2 consultations with him as this forum was making me want to change my mind about profiles etc, but he reassured me and he chose the right profile and size for me! I could have gone bigger for instance but he said if I did I would ripple in a couple of years so there wouldn’t be much point. He is very good! I am getting my strapping off today so I will upload some pics 🙂 feel free to add me! X

    Leoni 1

    Thankyou Amber, i will definitely add you. From what i have heard, Mr Kazzazi doesnt just give patients what they want but tells them what would be best. Thats great, i just hope he doesn’t recommend a smaller size haha. x

    Leoni 1

    Anymore ladies? Xx


    I’m a 34b and I’ve got 450cc HP Hun, you xx

    Leoni 1

    I’m a 34 B and have yet to decide which surgeon to see so no idea what size I will be offered. Would like to be a DD/E though. X


    Hi, I had Mr Kazazzi 2 weeks ago tomorrow. I felt so comfortable with him and trusted him completely! I’m very happy with my results and his sizing advice was perfect 🙂 x


    I’m booked in with kazzazi in 4 week time I’m a 34b and want to be a dd . He is very confident that he can achieve what I’m after and I’ve heard amazing things about him. I am just hoping that I’m not going too small ! He said 400 cc mp unders for me . Feel free to add me 🙂 xx


    I had dr kazazzi !!! He’s the best and knows what he’s talking about. Man of few bit important words. Had my bA Sunday and love my boooooooobs!!! Had 350cc hp unders. He initially recommended 325 but was willing to compromise and give me a little more 🙂 Will upload photos next week feel free to add xx

    Leoni 1

    Thankyou ladies! I am definitely leaking more towards Kazzazi, I am just worried as I have been told he prefers smaller implants but I am thinking it’s more a case of him wanting the best results for a persons frame. I will add you all now. 😉 xx


    Hi Girls I am confused too between Dr. Kazazzi and Dr.Mounir.. I had my first consultation with Dr. Kazazzi.. and having my 2nd consultation with him 2mrw..My first consultation with him was very brief and to the point as I have slight breast asymmetry (right smaller than left by 20cc due to samller ribcage on right). He said he would not reply on assumption to give me sizes to make both breast look similar. He asked me to get simulation done on Vectra 3D imaging. He said he doesn’t want to rely on assumptions. Vectra is an equipment which takes a picture of your torso and then gives a view in 3D projection with different sizes. I have all the images of different sizes upfront so I kinda know which size will give me what sort of projection.. I am thinking of 300cc on my left and 325cc on my right as I have slight breast asymmetry (say abt 20cc). I am going to show the 3D images to him tomorrow during 2nd consultation.
    I also had consultation with Dr. Mounir to get 2nd opinion as my pc recommended. Dr. Mounir was happy to give me 3 different sizes 275-300-325 cc and said he would use 25cc more on right breast as its lil smaller. This consultation was more in detail compared to mr Kazazzi..Dr. Mounir answered technical questions. I had more questions but he said I could ask the basic questions to the nurse or PC. Though he offered that if I have further questions may be at later stage he will answer but I do think I was rushed a lil..hahaha.. which leaves me in confusion now, It didn’t help me decide if I could trust him to operate me..Nothing nagative tho..But lets see how my consultation with Dr. Kazazzi go tomorrow. I will update you girls tomorrow after the consultation that which surgeon I choose. 🙂

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