Mr Mahdi. 15.05.2019. Love my boobs already. Started by: Summer

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  • Summer 32

    Hey girls. So I had my surgery yesterday at first trust hospital with Mr Mahdi. I haven’t even had them 24 hours and I’m in love. I went for 225cc and 250cc High profile under the muscle. I was worried they would be too big as I am only very petite but they are the perfect size for me. Not to big or small. Very excited to see them drop and fluff. My stats were 5ft1. 7 stone. 32AA-A. Wearing size 4-6 clothes. My experience was amazing start to finish all the doctors nurses and staff at first trust were so welcoming made me feel at ease. They really looked after me. I was so worried about going under the general anaesthetic as iv never had it before and honestly I worrying for nothing. First I was laid on the bed chatting away. Next thing I knew I woke up with boobs. I was put a drip just due to my blood pressure dropping which iv being told is normal. I was sick a few times but that was just me reacting to the anaesthetic. I found it very hard to wee. It took me 2 hours to wee. After that I went home. I was discharged around 9PM. Over all a really good experience. One of the best decisions of my life.
    Pain wise. My chest was very tight and sore when I woke up. It hurt my chest when I breathed. So I was only taking small breathes. It just aches so much. Trying to sleep is okay but no one likes to sleep sat up. Haha. Woke up this morning and my chest isn’t as tight I can breathe without it hurting which is a bonus. I get up every few hours to just walk around. Any girls have any tips on sleeping???? Lol.
    No regrets at all. Below are some before and after pics.

    Summer 32

    Before and after.

    Summer 32


    Summer 32

    Not allowing me to upload my before. But my after is posted! Xxx

    Alex 15

    They look perfect Summer, you must be so pleased x

    Summer 32

    I am very pleased so far! Can’t wait for them to start settling! X

    Summer 32

    225cc and 250cc

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by Summer 32.
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    Katie 4

    I am same stats as yourself and this morning at 8:30 I had 300cc unders. I have tape all around mine and they look like mini torpedos. Very surprised about pain. I chose no painkillers because they make me sick and I have to stay in hospital because I’m on blood thinners but so far I’m very happy x

    Summer 32

    Glad you are happy babe! X

    Hannah 29

    Ah amazing well done! They look great!

    Summer 32

    Thanks Hannah! X

    JoC87 15

    Hi I think yours look amazing. Honestly I think yours look very natural. What size have they taken you too? ?

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