Mr Mahdi Started by: Meghann Ritchie

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    Hello ladies,
    Got a consultation with Mr Mahdi on Wednesday, not seen much about him on here.
    Has anyone got any photos of his work and what you thought of him? 🙂

    Thank you xx


    I had Dr Mahdi , I’m now 7wpo, he’s an absolute god honestly, I love my boobs,
    I’d upload a pic but I can’t seem to do it lol, I managed a profile pic thing but that’s it xx

    Lauren 3

    I had Mahdi on Friday 2 days ago!! And what I can tell so far he’s fab! The friendliest guy and made me feel at ease from the second I had my consultation with him. I’ve followed a couple on instagram who have had him and his results are fab xx


    @kellydee thank you! Your photo looks amaze what size did you have etc? Xxx


    @laurenelliott05 that’s good to hear!! Thank you what are the insta account of the people who have had Mr Mahdi? I’ll have a look 🙂 cxx

    Lauren 3

    Are you on instagram I’ll add you and then I can tag you xx

    Beita 14

    HI hun, I had Mr Mahdi around 4 weeks ago. If you whatsapp me on 07783480504 I’m happy to send you pics. I had 400cc hp partials x


    @meghannritchie · I had 485 hp unders 🙂 x

    Emma Rapp 5

    I also had mr Mahdi on Friday (19th Jan) and am really impressed. He’s straight to the point but makes you feel at ease too. I’m only 3days P.O. and have had no pain from it whatsoever!! He’s amazing. 🙂 I’ve hopefully attached a before and after photo, the after was from 9am sat and the op was 11:45am Friday. He did some work on my areola too which is why there’s so much bandage!

    Emma Rapp 5

    Nope, can’t add pics as the files too large! Sorry ????

    Lauren 3

    Was you in the morning? I didn’t go in till 14:30? I can’t believe how down to earth he is xx

    Emma Rapp 5

    I was in at 11:30am so you’ll have been in just after I came out. I got back to my room about 2ish I think. How u feeling now?

    Georjia 5

    I’m in with mr Mahdi in feb for my second consultations has anyone got any before and after pics of his work? I can’t find any and really could do with seeing some as I’m so nervous ????

    Laura 8

    Hi! Just had my first consultation today with my PC and was recommended mr mahdi but never really heard if him. Read a bit on here and relieved to hear all the positive reviews!

    I had my first BA nearly 8 years ago. However, I have tubular breasts which were never corrected. I currently have 340cc, cant remember what profile, hoping to go around 450-500cc lower profile to help widen the narrow, tubular look and a nipple reduction /lift.

    Hope you don’t mind me adding you all!

    Emma Rapp 5

    I have before and after pics (4 days P.O. today) but can’t upload them as I don’t know how to shrink the file size! If you want to pm me with a number I’ll send u them x

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