Mr Marcelino Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    Anyone had him??

    Shannon 3

    Yes had my op yesterday. His really lovely xx


    What size did you get?? How’s your pain?? Does he use dissolvable stitches?? And strapping ?? Wishing you a quick recovery Hun !

    Abi 3

    Hi Hun,
    I had my op with him on 3rd Jan, he’s a nice guy and to the point.
    I’m covered in strapping which is so tight and itchy in some places (near where my incisions are). Not sure which stitches I’ve got.
    Pain hasn’t been too bad, can sometimes feel my incisions are sore but not sure whether some of the pain/aches is down to the strapping.
    I had 350cc hp overs xx

    Shannon 3

    I had 350cc hp under the muscle the pain for me is something else, but I think that’s because I’ve gone from a 32a 🙁 I have dissolvable stitches, I think anyway, the strapping and breast band are so tight, but I’m hoping tomorrow onwards I’ll be feeling much better. I don’t know what I woild of done without my boyfriend. His litterally had to do everything for me xxx


    Oh no bless you 🙁 oh god don’t say that lol I’m only gonna have my mum helping two three days I’ve got a little baby and two other under 6 years old. I’m hoping I’ll be ok with the pain as I’ve had two c sections before surely it can’t compare lol but who knows. I’m having an uplift on 1 also . The strapping doesn’t sound comfy Hun ;/ what bra was suggested to you to buy? I’m also going from a 32/34 a cup but completely empty . I’ve literally just got SKIN sacks so awful. But having 375cc in march. Hope you feel better soon Hun. The pain will be worth it !

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