Mr mileto, any experience? Started by: Elisher

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  • Elisher

    I had breast enlargement with Mr Traynor 6 years ago and I am now wanting them re done again. I am absolutely gutted he has now retired. I’m booked in with Mr Mileto for a consultation. Has anyone been with him?

    Danielle 2

    Yes very good I would recommend him x


    I’ve just had ba with mileto after having my implants for 14 years and having to change due to a rupture he was amazing and listened to everything I asked I was originally a 34a and had 260cc which took me to a d now I’m 2dpo with 500cc as I wanted more fullness in upper pole


    He’s brilliant, very patient and understanding. He advised me to go for 250 but I was adamant they that was too big, so I went for 200, but I really should have listened to him, he was right

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