Mr Mileto Labiaplasty & Hoodectomy Started by: SM

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  • SM 9

    Following from my reply to a previous thread I thought I’d create a new topic so I can share my labiaplasty experience in a little more detail.

    I had a consultation with Mr Mileto in London at the end of May and decided to book my procedure for the 16th June (yesterday!) at New Victoria Hospital London. It all happened very quickly but the date for surgery worked really well for me, taking into account booked holidays etc. so it was case of now or wait until later in the year.

    My consultation with Mr Mileto was in London (clinic is small but easy to find) – I did have over an hours wait which wasn’t ideal but MYA staff were friendly and attentive.
    I had pervious surgery with Mya 11 years ago when I had breast argumentation so they were my first choice when I started looking at options for labiaplasty. Mr Mileto has an aura of confidence about him that makes you feel instantly at ease. He’s clearly a very experienced surgeon and I had absolutely no doubts he would meet my expectations and achieve the outcome I wanted. My consultation concluded Iabiaplasty with hoodectomy would be the right surgery for me.

    I arrived at New Victoria Hospital yesterday morning and from start to finish everything was exceptional and my care nothing but excellent. New Victoria is a small private hospital, exceptionally clean and I found every member of staff friendly and professional.

    I was 2nd on the list for surgery yesterday so from admission time 7.15am, to the operation, including recovery – it was all over by late morning. I’ve had a general before so I knew what to expect – however I was given a warm blanket before my anaesthetic which really helped take the edge of nerves.
    My partner was with me (beautiful sunny day so he walked into Wimbledon whilst I was in theatre, and was back in time when I returned from recovery) and we both agreed the whole experience was excellent. New Victoria has a lovely peaceful feel – the room I had opened to views of a gold course. The nurse was happy to let me go later in the afternoon and we left the hospital around 3pm.

    Despite being a little sore and swollen (minimal bleeding) my result from what I can see is absolutely amazing and I cannot wait to see the final results. Will update in a few days!

    Ruth 3

    I was the next patient in after you for the same procedure! Can I ask, are you using the paraffin gauze or just a pad? Hope you’re feeling ok. x

    SM 9

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    Good morning! I hope your surgery went well. How are you feeling? I feel a little more tender today but my last painkillers were just paracetamol – not co codamol as it was making me feel drowsy yesterday. I asked for the parrafin gauze to take home but was only given 1 sheet so I’m just using pads now. The gauze was really soothing on top of the pad so I wish I had more – however post op Mr Mileto recommended the pads would be just fine when I was with the nurse.

    Ruth 3

    Super swollen!! How about you? Much more so than yesterday so I’m gently trying some icing. How are you feeling? Are you managing to get about? I found the same with co-codamol, I’m really bloated and uncomfortable so hopefully that will get better.

    SM 9

    I feel worse than yesterday too, especially the hoodectomy area. Just had to have a very easy day today – managing to potter around at home but not felt like venturing out anywhere. What about you? Has the ice helped? I feel bloated all over – tummy, face etc. but hopefully that will settle over the coming week.
    I haven’t had any contact from anyone at MYA since my op on Friday – have you had any follow up?
    I’m really pleased there’s been minimal bleeding as I wasn’t sure what to expect with that! How do you feel about it all now your surgery is done? Were you just in for that op?

    Ruth 3

    Just heard from a nurse, which was reassuring. I’m convinced my swelling had actually got worse again… I can’t even tell what bit is what! Doesn’t sting when I wee now and only a few spots of blood on my pad though. Just trying to trust the process. I can only walk round the house like John Wayne. How are you feeling?? Have you iced? And is your swelling still bad? I also had an uplift with 200cc implants so I feeling a little battered both top and bottom.

    SM 9

    How are you feeling today?
    I did try & speak to a nurse on Monday but didn’t have contact until yesterday … I’ve stopped my prescribed co-codamol now and just managing on paracetamol as and when. The co-codamol wasn’t making me feel great if I’m honest. Id describe how I feel as uncomfortable more so than painful – no bleeding now and not experienced any stinging when going to the toilet. The whole area just feels swollen and tight – might try a little icing today to see if it helps! Hope you’re feeling ok … x


    How are you both getting on?

    I’ve started a group to discuss things as find this app useless. Please feel free to join!


    Hey! I hope you’re both recovering well!

    I’ve had my surgeon consult but I’m really not sure about the hoodectomy part.

    Did you consider not having it and then why did you go ahead with it? Are you happy you’ve done both? I’m worried it’s going to be too exposed and then loose sensitivity and be prone to infections. So much to think about.

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