Mr mounir?? Started by: Rebekah

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  • Rebekah

    Has anybody had Mr mounir? Anyone’s opinions or experiences with him will be much appreciated, having 340cc can’t decide on unders or overs in less than 2 week, I’ve heard he recommends unders alot so many different pros and cons what would you guys suggest?? xx

    Kelly R

    hia I’m having him 24 march ! can’t wait! I’m stuck between 340 or 380 n I want to go under! doesn’t reeli bother me that it will b more painful iv just read they ment to b better longterm ! might b wrong like but that’s just what iv read. xxx


    I had him on Monday and well….I can’t even begin to explain how much I love this man! I had 340cc in my bigger boob (which measured as a C) and 380 in my bigger boob (which measured as a B),these should hopefully take me to a DD! I’ve also gone over the muscle! Honestly girls, he is amazing! Feel free to add me and have a look at my photos 🙂 xxx

    Kelly R

    urs look great Jess! I hope mine turn out like that! xxx


    Just realised, I meant to say I had 380cc in my smaller boob haha. Aww thank you! Having someone else say your boobs look great is the best feeling ever! It’ll be the best thing you ever do, I promise! Xxx


    Can I add please jess? xxx


    Of course you can! Got my one week post op appointment tomorrow so I will post more photos up then 🙂 xxx

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