Mr Mounir @ Preston? Started by: Gemma

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  • Gemma

    Well its all going quickly i have pre op and consultation on the 2nd July with Mr Mounir. If i like him and all goes ok then im booked in for 8th July :))))

    Firstly anyone had Mounir before? Ive not seen any of his work but have only heard good things about him on the net.

    Secondly ive got two kids, one is only 2 and is quite a handful so i needed to get this op done before my parents go away as OH can only help for a few days. Do you think within 4 weeks i will be ok to do most things around the house and with my little boy?.


    Anyone had Mounir?? xx


    I didn’t have mr mounir but had my op at Preston and was well looked after there 🙂
    I have a 3 year old, I could do most things with her as normal by around one week post op. I’m nearly 4 weeks post op and feel totally fine. I think 4 weeks is more than enough, I know everyone heals different but I reckon you won’t need help after 2 weeks at the most xx


    Thanks Megan im hoping someone will say theyve had him. Ive read a lot of good things about him but heard nothing current on here.

    Yeah i was hoping a week or two …i carnt stand being in the house and i dont work so like to get the little one out as much as i can and go to the gym 🙂

    How are you feeling then all ok? Did you have the day op? xxx


    Yea iv heard him mentioned on here loads, all good 🙂
    I feel myself now 🙂 I think for me the worst was day 3, started feeling better after that. Didnt really need help with day to day stuff at about 1week post op. my girl is really big (an heavy lol) an could lift her (back in her own bed in the middle of the night!) at about 12 days post op. her beds really high (like top bunk height) I was careful but I could lift her with no pain an not too much of a struggle then.
    Yea was just a day case, got there about 845 and was home for 4ish I think. Are u day case? Xx


    Or thats nice to know ive googled him and sounds good but not many post about him on here at the mo. FC i can do the same with my kids as my youngest is a handful and is always throwing himself at me.

    Yeah im a day case but from near Newcastle so i will be staying nearby overnight. Your times sound good not too early in the morning.

    Looking forward to my pre op and app with Mounir next week, even though ive been wanting this for a few years i still have a lot of questions to ask him and not completely sure on size. I would like to be dd which i once was when pregnant and hoping for overs. My partner thinks i should maybe go for an E cup but my top half is only small and dont want to look too silly.



    Yea I had loads more questions after seeing surgeon then being on here so asked to see him again one week before my op an felt so much better after getting answers to all my questions, it’s really hard choosing the size though, I just made it easy for myself and picked the biggest! Xx


    Think im going to make a list lol…this way if im going ahead on the 8th (app on 2nd) i will be more prepared 🙂

    I know i dont want to regret it but i enjoy sports and dont want them to get in the way or look out of place. Suppose thats something Mounir will help me with the right size for my figure. Going to take a few diff top with me to try with the diff sizes and see how they look xx


    Yea writing ur questions is a good idea. I kept forgetting what I wanted to ask when I got in there!!
    Yea hel deffo be the best to advise re sizing.
    I enjoy the gym too but enjoy boobies more, going too big wasn’t an issue to me. I knew they were gonna be way too big cos I was really small to start. Everyone’s stats, reasons for surgery an look they want to achieve are so different and I think only the surgeon will know what implant to use for what u want. Maybe take pics with u of boobs/sizes u like too xx


    WEREN’T gone be too big I mean lol
    Stupid I phone!!


    Lol thanks well il do a post after my app just trying to sort payment out today/deposit

    Going to my mams to let her know what im planning im sure shes going to say what you doing that for but im sick of them and they have been like this for the last 5 years.

    Life is too short! 🙂


    I’m booked in with mr mounir on 8th July too!! Xxx


    How did your consultation go with him? Are you happy with what he said etc?
    FC im still the 8th im waiting for a call back today im a late cancellation so its all happening quickly for me. My app is 2nd July and my pre op.

    Have you had your pre opp yet what is involved? xxx


    I really like him he is sooo thorough on your consultation! He asks loads of questions and its really clear he knows exactly what he’s talking about which put me at ease straight away! Honestly hun the pre op took about 10mins, just a few questions, 2 swabs then before photos! Nothing to worry about! Wish I’d don’t mine as a late space iv had mine booked for ages and it just gives you too much time to over think everything! Dead exciting though, hopefully il be seeing you there 🙂 xxx


    Or thats good to know, your the first person on here at the mo to actually say they are having Mounir!

    Well ive been thinking about this for a few years but after coming bk from my hols this month ive decided im not going to put with this anymore! Im waiting for a callbk now to let me know if i have def got the 8th. I hope so i dont want to be worrying about it for too long.

    Well anyway im def having my consultation with co ord, Mr Mounir and also my pre op on the 2nd so atleast thats all done in one go. Arrgh im so nervous just waiting for this callbk to confirm my date. Need to get sorted with OH and time off work and book a hotel. Hey are you a day op if so have you looked into hotels yet?



    I know iv met a few girls now that have had him and only have good things to say! If you go on 4od there’s a programme called bums boobs and Botox and he’s on it doing a ba!! Good for you hun, iv been wanting this for years and I’m so nervous but just need but the bullet and do it!! I’m a day case too, iv booked in the Marriott after coz I’m from past newcastle. I wanted to stay somewhere nice that night after my op and not a travel page or something so I can just relax!! Have you thought about sizes? Xx


    Travel lodge that was meant to say!! X


    Yayyyy! 8th July is booked 🙂

    Helen we need to keep in touch xx


    ahh I’m booked with Mr Mounir on the 8th as well! xx


    Hello, I’m new on here but had my op today. I only met Mr Mounir 10 days ago!! I also had my op at Preston. Lovely place and lovely people!! I was unbelievably nervous, shaking and migraine but there was no need as it was over and done with so quick!!

    Good Luck x x x


    Im having Mr Mounir on the 8th of July too! same as you and Helen! soooo exciting ladies 13 days is gonna fly over xx


    Ahh so excited girls!! Xx


    Same ahhhh!! 🙂 xx


    Ooh thanks Helen will have to put 4od on now, just got in from boxercise which i will miss for a few weeks but its gunna be sooo worth it 🙂 Im from near Durham and weve been discussing hotels too i said the same want somewhere nice to relax.

    Hiya Jennifer and Laura wow yeah 13 days i hadnt even worked it out things have gone so quickly!

    Has anyone had a time yet ….i was told may not know til 3 days before the op? xxx

    tai -1

    I’m having mr mounir on the 5th August. So add me girls would love to know how things go with you girls. It’s all a bit exciting but I’m getting waves of nerves. Mr mounir is lovely though, an after various consultations with surgeons I chose him. He is so in depth with his consultation and picked up on things others didn’t- good eye for details 🙂

    How big do you girls plan on going? I have 240cc at the min but ill need to go a bit bigger this time. I was thinking 300 but mr mounir suggested 340cc …… To me that seems massive but as I’ve a’good bum’ (mr mounir’s words -translated as big hips to me hahaha) he thinks I can take 340cc. Are you girls going under or over the muscle? Xxx


    Hi Tai,

    I had 340 unders yesterday, he gave me a choice of 310, 340, 375. When I got there he said 340 would look best as didn’t think he would fit in the bigger implant. I will put some pics on as soon as I can.



    i had my BA surgery yesturday june 25th with mounir at preston i was a day case. the whole day went great my admission time was 9am and i was the 3rd one down i was taken down to surgery at 11.30 and couldnt believe how quick everything was. all of the staff at the first trust hospital were lovely. i was struggling between 310cc overs or 340cc unders both sizes were ordered so i could chose on the morning of my op i decided on the 310cc overs. i am pleased with the result although they look big, swollen and high i know they will drop and the swelling will go down. mr mounir was lovely my first appointment with him he gave me the range of 340cc-470cc but i dont want them huge as im a showjumper and am very active i just wanted to feel more confident with myself; dont be afraid to speak your mind and tell them what you want although there recommendations are very good only you know whats best for your body and lifestyle. when i told him my decision yesterday morning he made sure i was 100% confident of the choice. try not to be too nervous you will love them its over and done with before you know it! good luck hope everything goes brilliant xx


    Hi Tai i will add you …thats good to know got my app and pre op on 2nd July 🙂

    Amiee i feel the same dont want them too big as i like my sports! Any idea what size that will make you then what size were you pre op?


    kat182xx -1

    Hi, I had Mr Mounir in August last year (with Transform though). Any questions, just let me know!
    Kat x


    Guess what ladies I’m 8th July with mr mounir too 🙂 all going very quickly only went for the enquiry visit last Thursday! Still debating my size 400 or 445 soft touch unders…. I want to look natural and just can’t imagine them. Please add me x


    Hiya Deborah i know how you feel ive been looking into this fpr years but suddenly decided enough is enough! Im going for initial consultation with Mounir and pre op on 2nd July. Please though at least we wont be worrying for weeks.

    we will have to set up a post on day of surgery and all keep intouch 🙂 Im so nervous about the recovery more than anything think i might need to chat with someone after.



    i was a 32A pre op Gemma i’m wearing a 34C sports bra at the moment as they tell you to get a bigger back size but once the swelling has gone down i think i will be a 32C/D in a normal bra. I’m really pleased just keep looking at them cant believe there mine! xx


    Or ok…i just carnt wait to discuss profiles and size im not 100% on profle. I want them high as my boobs are quite droopy and i want them really pert if im going to do this. But at the same time i dont want them to project out to much from a side view.

    Ha ha i bet you carnt …im soo excited just carnt wait now 🙂 xx


    yeh mine are high but i think its because my boobs were pert before yeh wheni woke up i looked at them when i was laying down and i was a bit dissapointed because they didnt look very big but once i was stood up they looked really good also they do look bigger from the side but i think thats alot to do with the swelling. what sizes are you considering? also are you going under or over? i had my first consultation 3 weeks before my op so it came round so fast for me cant believe there done xx


    Aimee ive got my first consultation with Mounir and my pre op on Tuesday, 6 days before the op!! Im pretty certain i want Mounir and i want dd cup and maybe the high profile need to see it really to know how it will look. I want overs im really not keen on getting unders and im hoping il have enough skin as i was once a dd when i was pregnant.

    Did you have overs/unders? xx


    I had Mr Mounir for my uplift and implants at Preston he is an amazing surgeon and a lovely man x

    tai -1

    @Gemma and @Abigail. Thanks girls

    Abigail how are you feeling? I bet they look fantastic. Hope you heal well, would love to see some pics so I have a idea. Keep getting excited then nervous then back excited again! @Gemma are you going Manchester or Preston for your op? I’m Manchester


    To be really honest my leftie is in agony, I hope it’s just part of the healing but it’s burning!! I feel totally fine apart from that though. I will get someone to take pics of me so I can put some more up to show you 🙂 x


    Tai im feeling the same just carnt wait for my app and pre op on tuesday…then i think the nerves might kick in more :/ IM going to Preston for mine.

    Or Abigail hope all is ok i have no idea of pains etc after the op …hope your being well looked after by someone with your feet up. xx


    I’m down for the 8th July too 🙂 excited …wish it was today 🙂 xxx

    tai -1

    Thanks girls for your replies 🙂 feel free to add xxx

    tai -1

    @abigail hope you start to feel better soon Hun xxx


    Hi girls i had mr mounir @ Preston he’s such a lovely guy and has done an amazing job! I’m 5 days post op still sore but happy. Highly recommend him x


    Thanks Tai, no pain at all really today (day 5) although my collar bones are really achy? !? X


    Eeeh im so excited its like the christmas countdown as a child only my calender has no chocolate!! Its so good to hear some many good things said about Mounir. Before i posted this didnt hear his name mentioned that much and now im confident about choosing him

    Hey Abigail im pleased your on the mend……hope you dont mind ive sent you a friend request. xx


    No probs Gemma, feeling a little better today thanks!! X

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