just wondering if anybody has had mr Singh for there BA,
i have my consultation with him oon the 10th Aug and was most likely going to be having him for my opp. my patiento co ordinator reccomended him…
have read lots of good things , but some people say his results turn out bigger than asked for?? lol
pleaseee tell me your stpries, thoughtss etcc about him if you have any!
Thanksss XXxxx
I have my BA with Mr Singh on the 28th august, so i will be able to let you know how the results turn out after i have had them done but hopefully they wont be much bigger than i have asked for as i don’t have a very big frame, so not sure big boobs would look that great on me, lol. I am hoping for 32D. Hope your consultation with him went ok.
I had my op with him 5 days ago, he is really lovely person and i have never read anything going wrong with him, he makes you very comfortable and has given me lovely boobies so far lol
i was a 32b and asked to be a dd, I had 410cc under and am now in a 34dd sports bra.. I look about a C though
implants look a lot smaller when theyre in, and you will probably wish you went bigger…
I have a couple pics – msn –
Hi girls
Firstly I agree with Emma, Mr Singh is a fab surgeon, lovely guy, totally understood what I wanted, natural boobs, not stuck on – I had my post op check with him last week and he asked what mark I would give him out of 10 for my boobs, I gave him 10 out of 10 and he said why not 11 out of 10 lol!!
I’m 7 weeks post op, was 32(so I thought)a/b, had 380cc partial unders wanted to be a small D but I’m wearing 30F bras which was quite a surprise but I can honestly say my boobs don’t look that big, I actually think they look like D’s but its because they are full and pert that I’m wearing a larger size bra. You really would not look at me and think I have size F boobs! Every bra fits differently though so I think I will range from an E-FF. Very happy with my results, boobs look so natural, all my friends are amazed!!!!!!!
Fiona x
My friend had mr singh but as you said ended up with boobs way bigger then she wanted …….Im afraid to say she was and still is totally gutted. she was already a dd but had kids ect so wanted a uplift. She said she was told that if she just went a size bigger it would fill out her boobs saggy skin but unfortunatly they are now off the scale in bra size & down to her nees! I think its good to hear the good & the bad to help get a idea off what we are getting into. This has not put me off as im booked in on the 10th october but it just helped me make it clear what look i wanted.
Thanks K
KIARAH-YIKES!!!!I am now very concerned!!I was told I was borderline for uplift but may be fine with a larger implant that filled out the excess breast tissue from weight loss and breastfeeding4kids!I am now very worried I may end up like your friend.Do you know how low her nipples were from collerbone as they told me I would defo need uplift if more than 21cm.God, I cannot afford an uplift, just no way and I was going to go for the implant option but now worried it’ll make me look worse.Does your friend regret her decision?Can she get it sorted?Mr.Singh is who my consultant has put me with too.Thank you so much,Sonia x
I had my BA with mr Singh on the 14th August at Highgate Hospital in London.
I have nothing but praise for him and his expertise.
I was a 32a/b and had 525cc high profile implants over the muscle. I removed my strapping yesterday and was measured at M+S for a sports bra – size 34g due to swelling and stitches!! Unfortnuately i won’t stay at this size.
If you have any concerns talk them through with Mr Singh – i went with a whole A4 page of questions and he answered them all and reassured my husband and myself.
Suzanne x
Thanks Suzanne.I think if I was a straight forward case-small boobs wanting larger I would have no concerns.It cos I am worried that I may get the implants and my boobs will look worse due to saggyness.oH i AM SO CONFUSED!:(I am seeing Dr.Singh on 16th sept.He may well answer all my questions but what if the same thing happens to me and I end up wiht droopier than droopy boobs-he obviously thought he could do Kiarahs friend easily.Oh God:(Suzanne-were your boobs boderline uplift?Have you breastfed or lost weight?I just need a few positive results putting in my brain so I stop panicking:)x
Like i said before i can only say what she told me. I have to admit they do look really bad & are as low as her belly button with out a bra & not much higher with a bra. I just think you should keep in mind that if you go to big with already slight saggy boobs you could end up with even further sagging( which is what happend to my friend). She cant afford a uplift to correct the sagging. I am a 34 A & have had 4 children but i have no sagging & well formed & semetrical boobs so im going for 410. I tried the 460 but felt they were way to heavy & could just tell they would end up sagging. I think you should go with your gut feeling & just dont get carried away & end up with really heavy implants that could make your sagging worse.
I dont want to confuse you or worry you! I just wanted to make you aware as you said that you had been told that his cases end up bigger then exspected 7 thats what happend to my friend. Im sure he is a great surgeon & will do a good job. Just make sure you get the right size.
Thanks K
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