mr traynor Started by: millie9

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  • millie9

    hi. i had my breasts done 30th june with mr traynor at manchester, and i thought id let you all know how i got on. i was on a day case so i checked in at 7.30am and was shown to my room, then the nurse came in who where all really nice, and took my blood presure my weight and put a band on my wrist, then mr traynor came who is relly nice he tells you how it is which is what you want to hear, and asked what size implants i was having, im 34a and wanted DD so i went for the largest ones which where 460 going over i was a littlte nervous because i want them to look natural but mr traynor said they would look great so i trusted him, then the anethatist came in and told me what was going to happen and i can say i wasn’t nervous about the op at all, all the staff at the hospital where great, then the nurse came back in and told me i was second to go down. Then the gave me a gown and some knickers to put on and i went down at 11.30am, they told me to lie down on a bed and a male nurse was talking to me all the time but i didn’t feel nervous at all just really exited that i was going to have new boobies, then the anethatist came in and put a needle in my arm it hurt a little bit but nothing major and i asked him if that was to put me to sleep and he said yes, next the nurse is saying my name and its all over and i felt my new boobs straight away and i said is that it and she laughed. I was then taken back to my room and was bursting for the loo and even though i felt fine they wouln’t let me go to the loo i had to use a bedpan, but my chest just felt tight, half an hour later and i was having a sandwich which was bloody lovely and was drinking lots of water, so an hour after being in my room i was up and using the loo, i was absolutly fine i couldn’t belive how well i felt, i left hospital at 8.30pm. Over the next few days my boobs were very tight but not sore, iv been on pain killers for 5 days and antibiotics but they have both finished now my new boobs are starting to soften a little now and they look fantastic, i havn’t been in any pain at all, i can honestly say it is the best thing i have ever had done and mr traynor is amazing i had no bruising a little tidy cut and 6 days on i feel brilliant i would highly recormend mya to anybody my whole experiance has been wounderful with them and im a 36 DD at the moment and was 34A. Hopes this helps because reading up about my op helped me.


    hey millie! congrats on ur new boobies :)
    ive got my op on the 15th, eek im so excited and nervous!
    mines with mr traynor too, and i agree with you, i like the way he just says it how it is!


    Hi there – thanks for your story – this forum is a great way of finding out really silly questions, which you feel a wolly asking the surgeon about !

    Here are my silly questions:

    I have seen my surgeon, but am yet to book up my appointment, i am still debating on size and i also have some other niggling questions that i want to ask before i go ahead with it.

    You mention in your story that your chest felt tight – is it just your skin that felt tight, or your chest, i.e. not being able to breath? i have a real phobia about being out of breath and not being able to breath and i want to prepare myself for everything that i might feel when i wake up, to save any panic-ing!! LOL

    Also, do you know why they dont like you to get up after the surgery to go to the loo?? is this just because you are groggy from the aesthetic and they dont want you to fall?

    You also say that you had no pain, thats good – your surgeon was obviously very gentle !! that was a question that i asked my surgeon – was the procedure quite soft, or are the implants really pushed in? But i was assured that it is quite a gentle operation – Phew !!

    well thanks for sharing your story and i hope you are able to help me with my questions – take care

    Kelly x


    hi kelly, millie
    I had my op the day after you millie with mr traynor!! I m glad you’re feeling good. Im seeing the nurse today for my dressings removed and hope my scars are neat like yours!Im 6 days post op now and feel great!

    [kelly] The tight feeling in your chest is mainly the skin, but i have found that if i lay too flat down i will become short of breath and it feels like someone is sat on your chest!. Also The skin around my ribcage (Under my boobs) was really tight in the first couple of days after the op probably due to swelling, so i felt that i had to take quick short breaths or my chest would explode! It all calms down after the 3rd and 4th day post op (my worst day was the 3rd as the stronger painkillers had worn off by then and i was still in pain).
    I think ur right about them wanting you stay in bed after the anathestic because you are groggy. I had to use a bedpan and it took me nearly 40mins to empty my bladder!!weird experience!lol. Also your blood pressure will be low after you’re op so the risk of falling is more likely if you get up too quickly…I fainted and fell when i went to the toilet in the night at the hospital as my blood pressure dropped so low so take it easy! hope that this helps!xx

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