Mr Traynor Started by: jmc89

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  • jmc89

    Hi girls,
    Had my first consultation with the patient coordinator today in Manchester. Just wondering has anyone had their BA done by Mr Traynor? I want as much advice and info as I can get about him and if anyone has got any before and after pics of his work I’d really appreciate it! Got my consultation with him in a couple of weeks! Thanks x

    missmanace 2

    jmc89 – I had Dr Traynor hes a lovely man and did an amazing job on my boobies! They look natural and perfect, I would highly recommend him and use him again!

    Any Q’s just ask..



    I have him Tuesday so will let you know after then!! x


    Hi missmanace – thats what I was a bit worried about, I want big boobs but don’t want them to look like 2 balls stuck on my chest if you know what I mean! Is there any chance you could email some before and after pics if you don’t mind? If you can my email address is
    What size were you before and what size are you now? Also what size implant did he use? Thanks a lot for your help xx

    Leanne – thanks a lot hun – good luck for your op on Tuesday – what size are you now and how big are you going? Hope everything goes really well for you and speak to you after it to find out any info you can give me! Thanks xx

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