Mr Traynor – experiences and pics Started by: Dani Baldwin

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    Hi, I’m very new to this and so far I’ve got initial consultations booked in to see Mr Traynor next month as my first surgeon consultation.

    Keen to hear your experiences with him and if anyone is happy to share pics that would be much appreciated.

    I’m looking for a more natural look and hoping to achieve a C cup for reference of what I’m after x

    Julia 9

    Hi Dani, I went with Gary Traynor and had an excellent experience. I went for 350cc overs and have not regretted it, I feel they are super natural and family and friends agree.

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    Abbie 45

    I had gary for my surgeon & he was so nice! Definitely knows his stuff! He gave me a good few sizes to pick from that would suit my frame well. I was a 32b & now a 30F/FF! Boobs are so amazing & so soft already!! Couldn’t fault him came to see me before & after the surgery & also my boyfriend when I had finished in theatre. The pic is attached is before & then at my 6 week check, hope all goes well xx

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    Julia, they look amazing! And SO natural. That’s exactly the shape I’m hoping for. Did you meet any other surgeons? X


    Katie, thanks so much for sharing your pic! They look fab, sounds like you’re a similar size to me and these look perfect on you! What cc did you go for and are these overs? The fact he came to see you after is really nice, makes me feel more reassured! X

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by Dani Baldwin 2.

    Sorry Abbie, I don’t know why I’ve written Katie! I’ve been up since half 4 and it’s been one of those days ?????

    Abbie 45

    Haha it’s okay! Thanks so much I had 375 & overs yeah & I was out of it so I just remember saying thank you & crying??xx

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