MRSA Swabs Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    Hi girls, Im a bit worried about the MRSA swabs. How likely is it they’ll be positive, have many if you had a positive result. My pre op is next thursday and surgery 3 weeks later. I’m told that if there is a positive result you have to take antibiotics for a week then get three negative swab results afrer that. Surely 3 weeks isn’t long enough to do all that. I can’t postpone my surgery because of work. Am i getting worked up over nothing?xx

    Nicole Newman 13

    I got ridiculously worked up over this. I had my pre op 10 days before my op. All negative no issues. The nurse said it’s usually hospital workers etc. but it’s unlikely xxx


    Thank you Nicole, glad it’s not just me lol xx

    Jo 9

    Don’t panic about it, it’s very very unlikely to come back as positive. Even if it was positive you’d have a result back in a matter of days and would be prescribed antibiotics as soon as possible. Don’t worry about it, I work in a hospital lab that deals with MRSA on a daily basis x

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