Sorry to hear this 🙁 but there is good reason they do these tests first – if u went ahead with this it could be very dangerous to you and others in surgery that day – potentially fatal!!
You can always have another op date down the line – health is more important.
I know how frustrating it is – I was due my op last year when I suddenly was struck with freak illness – ended up on a drip in hospital and unable to move or eat for weeks. I was eventually diagnosed with Crohn’s disease and unfortunately even though I felt better by the time my postponed op date came around, my test results said I wasn’t 100% ready. So again for the third time I had to book a new date – I’m currently 7das post op finally!! Over a year later! And as I work in schools I can only have this op at the start of a long holiday break as can’t take time off during terms! So last summer turned into last Xmas hols, but had to wait til this summer to finally get it done.
Be patient, get to ur gp, get well xxx