Mum worries!! Started by: Abbie

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  • Abbie 5

    Hi girls, sounds abit soft but did anyone else’s mum have a real issue with it? I’m quite close to my mum and she’s totally against it!! Says I’m too young, I don’t need one ect… I’ve wanted to have my boobs done since I was about 14 and it’s something I’ve always felt self conscious about and I have never felt in proportion! I think my mums old fashioned in the way she thinks they’ll be ridiculously huge fake balls stuck to my chest haha, I don’t think she realises that I want them for me and not anybody else!! Has anyone had this before or is going through it? Xxx

    Nicky 29

    Hey, I went through the exact same as you! My mum was sooo againist would argue everytime it was brought up. And she wouldn’t continuously go.. Oh look see that celeb is small chested and look nice blah blah. I took her to the surgeon consultation ( my bf came with me to my PC one) and she Completely changed her mind about it all! Saw that it was gonna look natural and not going stupid. So I’d suggest taking her to the surgeon one and then she can see for herself your not going over the top x

    sarahlouisex 17

    Hey !!
    I has the same problem i didnt tell my mother or father untill i booked my surgery! because anything they said would not have changed my mind anyway, and i couldnt deal with the moaning lol! so i then told them that i am having surgery next month! this was two weeks ago.. My surgery is the 29th so two weeks tomorrow.
    I explained everything and how unhappy i am with no cofience they came around as they knw there was no going back and i am 22 and it us totally my desicion. It was hard but they are happy for me now. My boyfriends coming with me for my surgery so i didnt need another shaperon either, it would of been my mum too.
    best of luck we have al been there xxx

    Abbie 5

    @nickya93 I really don’t think my mum would agree to come! Its amazing that taking her to the consultation made her change her mind! Maybe I’ll suggest it and see if she tries to kill me or not ?? and yours look amazing so I’m bet she’s okay with them ??@sarahhhh omg you’re brave haha!! I was going to book my op for when they’re on holiday and try and convince them I’ve had a growth spurt while they was gone ? Maybe I need to really talk to her about it so she knows I’m serious and it’s not just a phase!! Good luck on your op!! What surgeon are you having? You’ll have to let me know how it goes ? Xxx

    carlymarie 17

    My dad is exactly the same, my sister is totally against it too..haven’t told her I’m having it done lol x

    Amber 72

    My dad won’t even talk to me since I told him about my surgery next month, he is totally against it and he keeps telling me my body will reject the implant and I will totally regret it. It defiantly ruins the journey for us but just remember why you are getting it done, and hopefully she will soon come around to the idea. They are our parents and we are their babies and always will be no matter how old we are,to them we are perfect the way we are. They don’t understand how we feel, no one does other then ourselves tbh. I hope she warms to the idea hun because I know how it feels to have a parent against it xx

    Abbie 5

    @amber18 aw I’m sorry you’re going through it too! My mum doesn’t even know I’ve been to consultations ect because I know how she feels and I know she’ll ruin the experience for me! & you’re totally right that we’ve got to do what makes us happy/confident!! Sounds harsh but it’s kind of reassuring that I’m not the only one who’s going through it, I felt alone!! Good luck for your op, just read that you’ve chosen Dr Traynor! So have I! Let me know how everything goes and I hope your dad comes to terms with things ?

    Abbie 5

    @carlymarie it’s hell isnt it! I don’t think my mum/dad thinks I’m serious when I talk to them about it…they’ll have a shock when I turn up with my new additions haha!! As Amber said, we’ve got to do what makes us happy ?

    Bassett28 122

    I never told my parents until nearly 9 weeks PO!! Hehee!!
    When I mentioned it 4.5 years ago they were dead against it – more from the worrying perspective you know, what if something goes wrong, what if u die..blah blah blah. So I thought when I do it I won’t tell them till after! They live 3 hours away so I could get away with it, but I did spend the weekend with them PO and they never noticed!! Anyway – I told them just over a week ago and they were cool with it – showed them the before & after pics & new boobs in the flesh!!

    Amber 72

    I think it’s best just to tell her when you’ve had the op like the lady above me has said, I wish I had done that with my dad now as he has me worried more than I was before hand. You’re definitely not alone, so many parents and even friends don’t agree with it. All I think is if I don’t go through with it now I’ll either only regret it or get it done later on in life. Yeah I’ve gone with Dr Traynor purely because I’ve never seen a bad experience from him! Yeah he was so upfront on my consultation but I respect that and prefer it. My op is a month today, I’ll no doubt post how the day went so look out for it. I also hope you get the response you want from your mum ? xx

    Abbie 5

    @bassett28 hahha God you’re brave!!! I was going to do that, I live just round the corner from my parents and they go away for a month in the summer @amber18 perfect timing right?! Haha I’m such a wimp though, I’ll probably tell her when I’ve got a date so she can have time to cool before the big day!! Thanks girls ?? xxx

    Amber 72

    Yeah that sounds like an idea, good luck 🙂 when are you thinking of having the op? Xxx

    Abbie 5

    @amber18 either the beginning of August or the beginning of September just so I can book a week off work!! I’m meeting Dr Traynor on the 4th I’m so excited/nervous to see what he thinks haha!! Xxx

    sarahlouisex 17

    Hahah yes it was brave but I just wanted it done without the hassle my surgeon is mr. Marcellino thank you doll xxx

    Amber 72

    I was planning on having mine September but Dr Traynor is booked for when I needed the op unfortunately but I’m happy since I’m getting it quicker now! Good luck ❤

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