Mummy's help? Started by: Danielle

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  • Danielle 3

    Hope some mummy’s can help, I’m having 325cc hp unders on 28th Feb. I have 2 babies (4 & 17 months) & I’m dreading not been able to do normal everyday things, how long did it take other people to feel normal? I know unders take a little longer, I have a clingy baby & hate knowing I won’t be able to pick him up

    Danielle 3

    Don’t know why it didn’t post it all! Any advice would be great x


    Hi Hun your having your op same day as me! I also have two children 1 and 2! I’ve read about and seen some people have said that the first week to avoid lifting them, but afterwards for a few weeks you should be fine doing your usualy just still go easy on the lifting xx

    Danielle 3

    Aw im so glad I’ve found someone same day as me

    Danielle 3

    It’s not posting all my message! Where you having you op? It’s so hard when they don’t understand but my husbands got 2 weeks off so hopefully I can rest as much as I can 1st week & be ok by week 2 xx


    Where are you having yours?


    Hey hun, I have a 2 and a half year old and a 5 month old. for the first 13 days I avoided lifting completely, and stayed at mum mums but at day 13, we went home. I found it hard to lift at first but was okay after a few more days. I went back to work in childcare 2 weeks and 2 days and was great lifting. I’ll be honest though, yesterday (3+2) and today (3+3) ive really struggled to hold my son when he’s feeding a bottle with my left arm. Hope that’s some help xxx I had 400cc overs by the way xxx

    Danielle 3

    im having mine at doncaster with Mr Kazzazi. what about you? x

    Danielle 3

    Thank you Heather, i know it will take time just dont want to upset them or them think Mummy doesnt want to cuddle 🙁 xx


    It’s hard. My two and a half year old loves doc mcstuffins so I said to her, mummy is poorly princess and the docs need to look after her. She won’t be able to cuddle, just like chilly couldn’t cuddle when he got mystery pox in doc doc and she took to it straight away 🙂 she lay on my legs and stroked my hair, held my hands and things xxx

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