Muscle twinge …help ! Started by: Sadem

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  • Sadem 2

    Hey ladies I am POD6 and my right aches a lot more than my left and Also my muscle gets a slight twinge feeling now and then when I move my arm in a certain positions .. I had unders and was just wondering if this is normal ? Xx

    Tiffany 22

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    Hi Hun I’ve had the same I’m pod6 too and mine it’s my left, I had unders as well, I’ve tried putting ice packs on it to see if it helps and it has a little but my left incision I’ feel like that’s pulling every time I stand up or sit down :/ have you had this as well? Xxx

    Gina 9

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    @tiffanyl0912 @sadematthews123 I’m 2 and a half weeks post op and I have exactly the same sensation in my right arm/breast only my left is perfectly fine . I have a feeling it’s because that’s my dominant arm that I use more for holding and carrying things etc. many girls and the nurse have reassured me it’s perfectly normal and that I just need to wait for my muscles to relax and release their ‘hold’on the implant , I imagine it’s just a case of the muscle being a little tight at the moment xxx

    Sadem 2

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    Thank Tiffany !! I’m glad it’s not just me then was starting to worry …yeh my right incision also feels more sore and pulls slightly when I lift my arm.. And my strapping feels like it is digging in it xxx


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    I’m 2 days po and have the same feeling I my right breast. Feels really tight and have a pulling sensation. Left side is fine no pain or anything. xxx

    Tiffany 22

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    Same glad I’m not the only one, off to see the nurse on Wednesday so hopefully all ok :), thanks @gina glad to know all ok hope your All healing well :), x

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