My 2 Week Reduction + Uplift Progress Started by: Jolie

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  • Jolie 15

    Hi girls!

    I thought I’d make this thread for anyone curious about breast uplift and reduction!

    I’m 21, no children – I was just very insecure about my breasts! A bit about me… I went quite quickly from 54kg to 66kg which took a massive hit to my breasts. This caused them to sag and not suit my body type. I went from a 30C to a 32E!

    My surgeon was Mr Mahdi who I cannot recommend enough! He was incredible from start to finish. I’m still to have another appointment with him, so I can update here on how that goes.

    Surgery went extremely well. Pain was difficult but bearable for first 3 days, then all pain was very easy to deal with! I would say the majority of pain had gone by day 8. I was going on long walks by day 6, lifting tops over my head by day 12. It’s day 18 now, and I’m capable of my normal everyday tasks. No pain whatsoever!

    I didn’t take a good before picture which I regret now, I didn’t do this as I was so insecure! But now I can’t stop flaunting them haha!

    Any questions please feel free to leave here!
    Excuse the dirt on me – I wasn’t able to shower for two weeks!

    Jolie 15

    Image didn’t attach – here it is!

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by Jolie 15.
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    Jolie 15

    Here’s more images!

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    Emily 3

    Hey lovely!

    They look amazing! I’ve got my first initial appointment tomorrow. What was your wait time for surgery like from your initial appointment up to surgery? X

    Jolie 15


    I had my initial consultation 3 weeks before my surgery – so pretty quick lovely! X


    Hey lovely!
    Thank you so much for sharing your experience, I have been looking into it for a while now and I really need some positive stories ❤️
    I am super nervous to get in contact with the surgery as I know once I do it will all become real, do you feel it is worth it? I have been so insecure about my breasts for ages, will never flaunt them and even not buy certain clothes because of this.
    Also one main thing that concerns me is the scars, I know it is still early days for you but how do you feel about them?
    Sorry for all the questions! But did you choose how small to go? How much did you drop in cup size? X


    Hi I had my surgery in June 2023 and is nearly 2 weeks post op surgery went really well everyone in the theatre room was lovely my surgeon came to see me just before I was due to have it done Mrs Anna De Leo absolutely lovely and passionate surgeon
    When I came round I had pain but then nothing I have a few twinges now but everything seems ok
    I’m not sure what size I am because there still bruising and swelling
    I was a 38 gg and they had dropped to my waist !!
    I’ve still got dressings in place
    The worst part for me is the sleep position upright I find it difficult and some nights not been able to sleep at all
    Which then affects my day but I still wear the support bra day and night
    I have no regrets at the moment I’m excited to see them properly and to choose nice bras. Mine were horrible before
    Classed as Gigmasantic
    I had a reduction and uplift
    At the moment unsure what I can do I don’t want to spoil the end results

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by Lynne Watson.
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