MY BA Yesterday!!!xx Started by: jessikah

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    Hi Ladies, just thougt I’d share my story with you.

    I had my BA yesterday with mr Kazzazi. I had 505 unders. I was booked in at highgate and was told to get there for 3.30pm. I was travelling all the way from south wales so left plenty of time and actually arrived at 1.30pm! It was no problem though and I was shown straight to my room. I was made very comfortable and a nurse came and took my obs and measured me up for my sexy socks! I was also given some of the beautiful disposable pants!

    I wasnt really nervous at this point, didnt really seem real. I’d been waking up through the night though the night before with all sorts of worries like what if I dont wake up from the anaesthetic etc! Any way we waited for hours and hours and eventually a nurse popped her head in at about 8.15PM and said they were ready for me in theatre, I got up, kissed my mum goodbye and wlaked down towards the theatre. I was shown to a bed in the anaesthesists room and they once again took my blood pressure etc and put the venthlon thingy in my hand. The anaesthesist then checked my name, dob etc and that I had no allergies etc. She was a really friendly lady and still at this point I had no nerves, she made me feel really comfortable and I trusted her.

    She put the oxygen mask pn and started putting syringes of liquid into the venthlon, she said it wont be long now…
    the next thing I can remember I was coming round in recovery, the first thing I did was pull my top up and look at my new boobs! I felt a little shakey but not sick and although I remember talking to the nurse I dont remember what about I think I just said, I’ve missed Xfactor!

    I was then wheeled back to my room where the nurse on duty looked after me, she was fantastic. I didnt get her name but she was so friendly and chatty.
    I had me tea at like half 11. The food was nice but I only ate half of it as I didnt want to make myself feel sick.
    I then drifted in and out of sleep between 00.30 and 6.30 when the nurse came in and woke me up to take some pain killers before I had my drains removed. This was a daunting prospect but it honestly doesnt hurt, its a weird sensation but not painful, definately worth it for the boobs!

    I was then left to snooze untill 8am when breakfast was brought round. after breakfast the nurse came round with my antibiotics and painkillers and told me I could get ready to go home, i just had to wait for Mr Kazzazi to see me first. He came in about 10ish had a little look and feel, showed me how to massage and told me to buy a bigger sports bra!!

    He was really friendly and I’m really glad that I choose him as my surgeon.

    I then had the 3 hour drive back to wales!! I felt every bump in the road! That was the most painful part of the whole experience! I had a pillow accross the seatbelt so it wasnt tight against my chest which helped a little.

    I have found that as the day goes on they’ve gotten a little more swollen, sore and achey. Prob because they are under the muscle so I’m gunna rest up for a few days and hopefully it will ease up.

    I’ve only had 1 ibroprofen and 2 paracetamol since I had the op tho so maybe I’ll just try a bit more pain relief!

    Anyway just wanted to let everyone know that the whole experience whas much better than I had expected and even though I was having nightmares the night before about the anaesthetic there really is NO need to worry, I’d do it all again tomorrow, Dr Kazzazi and all the nurses really know they’re job, put your trust in then and you’l be fine!

    Let u know how they look when the straps come off!!

    Jess x


    congratulations jess, i had mr kazzazi 3 weeks today, he is a brilliant surgeon, im over the moon, have you got the lovely bandaging on, lol.. terrible eh, relief when it comes off.. happy healing..x


    arr congrats hun! and well done, happy healing, hope you get a good nite sleep x x


    yea, i’m sure I’m bandaged up wonky! My left is higher than my right, but my left is definately more sowllen and it has a big black bruise so maybe thats got something to do with it as they were perfectly symetirical pre-op!! Also my sports bra is really tight! I had a 36 E but just bought a 38E and it still fells tight! Do you know if I’m supposed to be wearing low or high impact!!!
    Its crazy isnt it, this time yesterday I was sitting at highgate watch tv without my boobs, now I’m back home with big boobs!!!xx


    Great jess.. Your really lucky.. I’m having mine on wednesday under the muscle.. Also all i’m freaked out about is the anasthesia.. Really scary


    congratulations Jess, happy healing. I also went to Highgate, more like a hotel :bigsmile: x


    Congrats on your new boobies and great story too xx


    congrats jessikah! bet ur was the pain better than uv expected?i need to have under muscle, so im really scared. hope u heal soon tho babes xxx


    Hey congratulations jess! I’m going to dreading the drive back to south wales too after my op. Really glad it all went well for you. Happy healing chick.

    AmyLou x


    Hi Jess, congrats on ur new boobs!! its all over for u now :) i have got my op in 12days im avin 380cc under the muscle!! I cant wait !!
    Where abouts in wales are u from?? im from bridgend so i got the lovley 3hr drive too!! Im an over night stay too – hope i dont go down to theatre that late! i want to b as early as poss xx


    Thanks for all of your messages,

    Diva fly, I was soooo scared about the anaesthetic, i didnt care about the pain afterwards, ive had 2 children by c section so nothing will compare with that pain! However the anaesthetic was absolutely nothing to worry about, i kept thinking what if i dont wake up, what if i dont breath for myslef when they take away the machine etc but if i’m honest it all happens so quick, there really is nothing to be scared of and its so, so worth it!

    Parisa i was expecting the pain to be excruciating as i was going under the muscle however it’s not bad at all, yes i’m a bit stiff and swollen and I have to get up slowly but thats it its not too bad honestly!

    I’m from Bridgend too melissa!



    congratulations jessikah!!! :bigsmile: 4 days til mine now! i’m with mr kazzazi too 🙂 xxx


    Aww thankS jessikah. I’m on in 2 days.. Really encouraging your story.. It has calmed my nerves. All i’m scared of is anasthesia. I completely dont care about pain Fingers crossed..thanks


    Hey Jessikah, How are you feeling today and how was your mya experience, i must admit im very sore.
    shame we didn’t get to see each other, what room were you in.
    Also have you heard anything from Ruby who was also meant to be in on saturday at 2.00pm, she hasn’t been on hear since a couple of days before the op, hoping everything is alright with her x x x


    Hia hun, yea i think she got there just after me I was like 2 hours early as we had a long journey and I didnt want to risk the traffic by leaving too late! I was in room 209. What time were you taken to theatre? I had to wait soooo long!

    My experience has been good so far, real sore today, when I stand up and things, my boobs are huge at the moment, they’l settle over the next few days i expect! Just cant wait to get this tape off, its irritating me already!x

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