My Boob Story 800cc Mr Traynor 1st April Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    Hello girls!!
    So, here’s my story


    Why won’t it upload my text 🙁

    Rosa 37

    Noooooo! I just got so excited i love reading these, im having Mr Traynor too!


    I know they helped me so much! I’ve tried loads of times, think its too long haha, Mr traynor is an amazing guy, what are you having and when? xx

    Rosa 37

    Yeh maybe try splitting into a few posts? Ha i know im so glad im going with him hes hilarious, im having 350 cc overs, he wouldn’t let me go any bigger but im happy! Just looked at yours and they look amazing, so natural looking 🙂 Im going to Preston Weds 29th April, cant wait!


    Hello girls!!
    So, here’s my story


    Hello girls!!

    So, here’s my story I arrived for my admission time of 11am, got taken straight to my room which was lovely with an en suite bathroom and TV, we waited until about 11:30 ish for the lovely nurse to come, then 1 ish for the anesthetic man to come who was really lovely, he just checked with my history of operations, then he got me a glass of water as I had a bit of a wait to go boo hoo, then at about 3:30 Mr Traynor came in to have a chat about how big I wanted so I of course said 800ccs the biggest he offered me, he gave me all the risks like the gravity taking its toll, and how they’re going to be nice and big but they will look amazing.

    I knew I made the right choice, but then again if he said the 700cc I would have gone with his advice, he’s ace hehe, at about 4 o clock he came in with his pen and drew his markings. I had to ask my boyfriend to check they said 800cc hehe!! he told me he wouldn’t be too much longer, and at about 4:40 the nurse came for me!! She was so so lovely.

    I walked to theater with her and my boyfriend, he went to wait and the nurse took me in where I then I lat on the bed, had my cannula in along with some antibiotics, and was wheeled straight through the double doors into theater, they had nice music on, and the nurse was right by me just being so lovely, she said I’d feel like I’ve had a glass of wine and dosed off, I woke up with what seemed like 15 minutes and she showed me my boobies!! then traynor came over and checked if I was happy and I was over the moon I checked if I had 800 again!! Haha,

    I was wheeled back to my room. I did get quite a bit of stinging in my incisions from the iodine :(( it never really went away until i left and got given my meds to take home and had 2 co codamol then, I had some tea and toast after about 2 hours and got my meds and had some painkillers, and was fit to go home around 7:45. the drive home wasn’t too bad either, and I’ve been feeling achy around my underarms, I’m not sure why, I think it’s from lifting myself up which is a bit difficult and geeks like I’m pulling my chest muscles, ill try post a little collage of my before and after with sports bra, ooh I also was told to by a bigger sports bra! Lol! Xxx


    Done it !! 🙂


    Rosa 37

    yay! love it, thanks for sharing, nice to see a positive day i’ve read a couple of negative ones lately which had me a bit panicked! Keeping my fingers crossed I get an early admission. Hope you’re healing well Sammy 🙂

    Trace 158

    Even though I am post op I still love reading stories!! Thanks for sharing xx

    clairelk 29

    Oooh reading this… happy girls. A cant bloody wait for mine now. Seems like ages. Happy healing sammy x

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