My boob story mr traynor 800cc 1st april Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    Hello girls!!
    So, here’s my story

    salwa 22

    800cc!? Wow wanna see results! ▪▪x

    Lisalili 115

    Hope your ok chick xx

    opalfruits 12

    Hope all went well sammy! Xxxx

    Jennifer 90

    Bet they look amazing hun! 🙂 hope you’re not in too much pain, I was after the op but ok now just discomfort and twinges but keeping on top of meds :)… and how fab are the nurses/staff! xx


    Aww Jen I hope your recovering well!! How did you find everything? The nurses were so lovely I cried at how lovely they were!! I’m feeling extremely emotional now, think it’s a mixture of pain, feeling hopeless not being able to get up alone or holding a drink myself, and the anaesthetic still wearing off, I’m. Also nodding off every 5 minutes, the pain in my incisions when I woke up from surgery was terrible but I didn’t have the energy to ask for painkillers right away but keeping on top of them now, I actually didn’t think it’d be this painful but think it’s because I went to 800 and my muscles are killing on my side boob, keep twitching too which hurts 🙁 I can’t wait to see how all us girls who are recovering now get on and change


    Thank you girls xxxxxx


    I have a photo in my profile xxxxx

    Jennifer 90

    Aww it is emotional hun! Think i’m high on painkillers coz I don’t feel tired at all considering ive hardly slept for 2 days, & my bf said I won’t shut the eff up! X I found the whole experience really scary/nervewracking, but afterwards wondered why I was so scared! They were fab & everything went great x aww hun i had 450 and it does hurt so I do feel for you with your 800’s! I know can’t wait either, mine look quite good considering, but rock hard & quite far apart & pointy at the min so really excited to see final result! xxx

    Lisalili 115

    Just had a look at your pics hun! They look lovely and big! 🙂 happy healing xx


    Thank you Lisa!! You seem to be healing well 🙂 can you give me any more advice? im in lots of discomfort with the sides of my boobs, the underneath is squishy im guessing that mostly because of my breast tissue, i struggle to lift my arms the tiniest amount, im ok sleeping, its just lifting myself up! lol and im having the maximum amount of cocodamol too! xxxxx

    Lisalili 115

    @sammyjanecraig I am feeling a lot better now hun, but it is day 8 po for me. The only advice I can give you is. The following: 1) get plenty of rest in bed and sleep when ever you are tired 2) keep on top of your meds for at least the first 4-5 days and then wean yourself off them. 3) take ibuprofen for swelling as well as your arnica tablets 4) when getting up and sitting down get someone to help you when they can, if Noone is there try to swivel on your bum and don’t use your arms. 5) use lots of pillows with a v-pillow on top of them to keep you on your back 6) buy senekot tablets are the medication will block you up (take at night, can take 24-48 hours to work) 7). Drink lots of water, eat plenty of fruit and high fibre food and plenty of protein so your body can heal. You will be feeling so much better in a few days as long as you do all of these things. Do not attempt to do to much hun, even if u think u are ok. I have rested for 8 days so far and will be resting until I’m 2 weeks post op at least. I came off my meds on day 5 and only took ibuprofen and arnica then for 2 days and now I am taking nothing. Happy healing hunnie xxx


    Thank you so much Lisa you’re a star!! I promise ill follow that advice, its just so nice to hear advice from people who are going through the same 🙂 Ill definately rest more, at the min im trying to pick pillows up because they just seem to be falling off all the time, typica;! lol, even typing this is giving me spasms. ive been taking my arnica, but not ibuprofen, im taking cocodamol, but it makes me feel little sick it always has, im jst a bt woried because i have a bigger implant that if i over move, ill open my stitches and get capsular contraction! and ive got work on the 10th april, and at this point i cant tell if ill be ready, but ill just rest, im sleeping a few times a day for an hour at a time hehe, oh and would you reccommend massaging lightly where the sides of my boobs are aching? thank u xxxxxx


    Im glad ur healing better now 🙂 <3 xxxxx

    Lisalili 115

    @sammyjanecraig you’re welcome doll 🙂 I wouldn’t recommend massaging at all at the moment. Try to just leave your boobs alone and let them rest for now. The spasms are normal, I’m still getting all kinds of weird pains lol! I’m lying in bed at least 5 hours a day just relaxing still. Have you managed to find a sports bra now as I read your Macom didn’t fit xxx

    Lisalili 115

    Thanks @sammyjanecraig you will be feeling much better in a few days too 🙂 xxx


    Okay, ive ordered one off very its a 36gg, but going to go tesco tomorrow if i feel upto it or send my boyfriend, i cant believe my macom is too small, i ordered the one for large implants too but the nurse said i will need a bigger one, and mr traynor came in to check me and discard me and he said the same lol! im thinking ill need a few sports bras ill need to wear them a lot if i want to defea gravity fr as long as possible, im dying to see the end result though! my nipples are quite low at the min, but before my op they were in a good position, but im guessing once my boobs drop they will lift my nipples, the suregon said, oh and aswel, i noticed he wrote sf aswel as 800, and somebody said this is partial? i checked with him and he said nope, he did overs. confused lol xxxxxx

    Lisalili 115

    I’m glad you have managed to find a sports bra hun! Send. The bf tomorrow you need to rest! Some surgeons write that for some reason hun. Normally sf is subfascial which means over the muscle but under a thin layer of skin so technically they are overs too. I’m surprised the macom didn’t fit as they are meant to fit all sizes. Yours are going to look very big and beautiful I’m sure! Your nipples will correct them self once you are healed xxx

    Lisalili 115

    Sorry I meant under a thin layer of tissue not skin lol @sammyjanecraig xx

    clairelk 29

    Omg they look amazing hun. Bet your over moon with them. A want mine to look like that just a size smaller. Happy healing xx


    I feel a lot more comfortable more, breathing better and my incisions aren’t as sore, I have to umhook the bottom hook on my Macom so it doesn’t push in as much, but getting a burny pins and needles in the sides of my boobs, I didn’t think I’d be so paranoid hehe has anybody else had this? Xxx

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