My boobs feel different … Started by: Emma

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  • Emma 6

    I am 2wpo and My right boob feels completely fine, no pulling , minimal pain, slight tenderness and it seems like most of the feeling has come back, my left one is a lot more sore around the incision and it’s so numb still. It feels like Iv just come out of the dentist but on my boob, it’s also getting a really strange tugging heavy feeling which I haven’t felt in the right one…

    Can anyone relate to this ? It’s the numbness that’s frustrating me the most, sometimes I can’t even feel a bra sliding over it

    Sherise321 22

    I’m fours days post op and that’s exactly what I’m getting my left one feels like it’s deflating every now and again and just seems to feel like it’s pulling I’m sure it will go but it’s a weird feeling. My right one is perfect though and I have no pain which is good ????

    Stacey 498

    Hi Hun I would maybe ask nurse to have a look my right boob felt different and has swollen more and I’ve possiable my got a seroma soo waiting on the surgeon to get back to her xxx

    Ntenisa 10

    Oh, I hope all of you sort it out (hopefully its not seroma in the first place!). Let us know how you get on 🙂 xx

    Stacey 498

    @ntenisa thanks Hun I’m hoping it’s not either I will be updating the forum when I know what what’s xxx

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