My DAY is on tue the 30th Started by: linadri

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  • linadri

    Hi girls,
    So finally my day is coming, having 450 unders from 34b/c (empty) with Chantarasak this coming tuesday. So nervous, u know all the feelings do u……been praying that everything goes well….im worrying to end up with double bubble as my boobs are droopy, empty from having 2 kids. I went to see 3 surgeons, adamo told me that i need an uplift, meleagros advised 410 overs(no uplift), and chantarasak 450 unders (no uplift). I decided to have a go with chantarasak as felt he is the one i can trust, he measured me properly, recommended unders as i have quite thin skin. So fingers crossed now!!!! Will update u when everything is finished.xxxxxxx


    How did it all go?

    I had 450 overs on the 26th. From quite saggy 34b/c. I am still all bandaged and waiting for Friday to see what they look like!!

    Hope everything went well. :D.


    lynseygibz 1

    Hey Hun how did your op go how all went ok and your feeling ok xx


    Hi girls, no i have cancelled my op yesterday , i know it looks mad ,but i was so confused !!! as i was prepared to have unders (thats what we had agreed on my first consultation) but the surgeon has changed his mind on my op day when i’ve asked him about the risk of having double bubble afterwards( ive read few post on here about it few days ago and was really scarried) then he said i should have overs rather than unders but i was clearly told at my first cons that unders would be better as my skin is very thin for overs. I hope u understand what i want to say…..he was in rush so left me to think about it. i was so gutted, i cancelled it. Now dont know whats going to happen……iam really confused, i should have been told about everything on my first cons so i wouldnt have started :((


    If I were you i would have a consultation with another surgeon to see what their advice is. Have a chat with your pc, explain how you feel. I am sure they will help you. At the end of the day U must feel certain you are making a fully informed descision based on the best advice available. i’m sure you’re head must be all over the place at the moment but it will get sorted. Do not be rushed by anyone xx all the best hun xxxx


    Thank u sharon xxxx I ve booked cons with mr rezai , iam ready to pay £100 but i am sure ill get all the information and advise i need, as from my experience when i had 3 free cons with surgeons none of them has given me enough information 🙁

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