My experience Dec 7th Dr.Singh 375cc hp unders xxx Started by: Rosie

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  • Rosie

    I woke up Sunday 7th December to leave for London at 2am with my mum who drove us there, we left around 3am (I had a 12 hour shift the day before, got in around 11pm so was nackered) I slept in the car and we arrived at a local hotel in London. When going in there the hotel man on the desk said he wasn’t sure if the taxi’s were going, which immediately made me think oh for fuck sake somethings gunna go wrong! I’m known for having bad luck so it was unsettling as I had no nerves and wasn’t prepared to let anyone get in the way of how I felt about the whole thing, I’m a gemini and can be very stroppy and bossy when things don’t go my way!!! Taxi came eventually at 6:15am, my admission time was 7:15am so we had plenty of time as journey was only 20 mins away.

    Taxi man didn’t have a CLUE where he was going – I mean don’t these London cabbies have road tests?! I thought it was one of the hardest tests in the world, this really pissed me off, first the hotel guy then this guy, we were sat for about 15mins outside the hotel, I must have said the Fitzroy postcode 20 times before it finally loaded on his Sat Nav (which he clearly relied on)
    We got to Fitzroy (eventually) and I wasn’t at all nervous, or excited, I was very neutral actually, never had an op in my life. Never broke a bone, clean medical history and I felt fine. There was no answer when we buzzed reception and no one sitting in there either, it was around 6:35 by now and I’d read up that they open at 6:45. A smiley pretty nurse approached the building and let us in and scurried off upstairs leaving us in the waiting room.

    We didn’t know what to expect and think mum was more nervous than I was, considering I wasn’t at all this was quite comical as I kept saying to her to keep still and she just couldn’t, couldn’t stop asking if I was ok haha bless her.
    We went up with a lovely chinese lady I didn’t catch her name, smiley lady who took me to my room and showed my my gown and polysyrene shoes that were far from stylish lol. I had begun menstruating but didn’t panic and got given the go ahead to put sanitary towel in my paper pants (as you’re not allowed to wear tampons to the surgery). I sat and waited, mum sat in the chair on other side of room and we joked around, waiting for someone to come and see me, not knowing what to expect.
    First a nurse came in I think, and took my blood pressure, did some paper work checks of my current health. She left and next came another lady who did some more paperwork checks. I wasn’t keeping track of time, still feeling no nerves and very neutral about it all, all I could think about was missing my morning cup of tea lol (can’t drink or eat for 6 hours previous to op, I think, I had water in the car and that was it) Next thing a friendly smiley european man came in and told me he will be my anesthetist, he had a calming voice and re assured me. I knew I was in good hands.

    A few more people came in, nurses, health checks etc, and finally Dr.Singh came in, looking very smart and the smell of his cologne comforted me, my mum scooted out the room while he just drew two lines in my crease where the incisions would be and then “375” on my left boob and he then kindly did my robe up for me at the back. Such a gentle man. He seemed so calm and collected that day, more so than our consultation. I still had no nerves.
    Mum came back in and eventually a man came in who I’d previously met and who told me he will be there during surgery as an assistant, we got in the lift and I noticed the ora of my mum get very heated and she seemed panicky, I still felt fine and this didn’t worry me, we dropped her off at bottom floor and then went to theatre floor. It’s quite blurry from then on in, but a lovely lady was in the room and my anesthetist, she calmed me, spoke to me and reassured me, I can remember the anesthetist putting the canula in, can’t remember how it felt going into my veins, and around my body, she told me to keep my eyes open, I remember babbling some random words and then her going to put the mask over my face and the anesthetist saying “now?!” in a shocked questioning way, you’d think this would panic me but it didn’t. I can’t remember falling asleep, it was very strange.

    I remember waking up and the lovely kind lady from before was there, she sounded slightly concerned, and I just remember whispering lovely things, saying “thankyou hun, thankyou lovely, you’re lovely, thanks babe” and all these strange things, I was in control of what I was saying. I was grateful to be alive if anything lol, and I don’t know why but I’m getting upset writing this bit. I guess it was just overwhelming, and subconciously that moment will stay with me for the rest of my life. I was wheeled back up to my room, didn’t try to put my head up, I was sleepy. I believe I was around 1 hour and 30 minutes altogether. I asked where my mum was and she was there. I fell asleep. When I woke up my mum was there, and there was a nurse coming in the room to take my blood pressure. I believe I only slept for about 3 hours in and out, which is surprising considering how many hours sleep I had the previous night. It was around 12 noon I think when I felt alive again, the anesthetic had worn off considerably by now, and I remember being completely and utterly OVERCOME with itchyness, all over my face, my ears, my nose, my head, my scalp, my neck, just above the strapping. This was from the morphine, I wasn’t having a reaction and I didn’t panic at all, mum sat by my bed side and scratched wherever I needed her to, she was my personal scratcher for around an hour. Dr Singh came in at some point and said it was normal, it was from the mask they gave me, cos it was prominent in my nostrils the most.. I had some toast and jam and a cup of tea and that was fab. The staff looked after me.

    I couldn’t WAIT to get out of the clinic. No offence at all intended, I just wanted to get out. I felt like a burden to everyone and especially my mum, I’ve never been ill. I remember getting quite grumpy very suddenly and really wanting to leave.. My mum held my arm while we went down to the waiting room to wait for a cab. I was tired, couldn’t keep my eyes open, but I didn’t want to stay there.
    We had an absolute nightmare trying to get a taxi, it was Sunday and I’m not quite sure what the issue was, but to be honest now I don’t care (my mum does, she’s still fuming from the whole situation lol) but I was just sat in the waiting room aching and tired with my head against the wall, and I slept like that, up right with my head against the wall lol, that’s where my back pain started. Taxi back to the hotel and I slept at the hotel for about 3 hours.. My sleeping through the night was all over the place and I cried trying to get comfy which upset my mum, I was more achey than anything else, and needed assistance to the toilet, couldn’t wipe. I couldn’t poop and didn’t feel the need to, didn’t poop till Monday day 2. I couldn’t burp after op but then a few hours later at hotel I did and it was great lol. Sunday night I had curry, popadoms and it was great, I was so hungry. Monday morning I had hotel breakfast, I was very mobile very quickly and found day 2 I could go to the loo on my own and put cup to my mouth for my cup of tea. I brushed my teeth by myself the day of my op. The drive home was fine, was 3 hours altogether and I slept for 2 hours of it. I was fine.

    Days 1 (I count sunday as day 1 as I had it so early in the day), 2 and 3, the most pain I discovered was in my sternum, my back, particularly lower back and in between my shoulder blades.. And I’ve had some vibrations in my left one, build up of fluid or air, and also had muscle spasms in my right.
    I feel human today, I shaved my legs, got a crop jumper over my head, painted my nails. I’m bored. Waiting for boyfriend to come over and stay tonight (he’s staying in the spare, he’s a terrible sleeper!!!)
    I’m only on day 4, tomorrow is day 5 and I get my strapping off. Strapping has been the worst pain for me cos I’m restricted to movements. They’re itching to get out now. I can’t wait. My eating has been up and down I don’t have much of an appetite but boyfriend did us steak last night which was nice and brought pringles, tonight I’m having fish fingers, beans and mash and ben and jerry’s after haha. I’m lucky with my recovery so far, turns out my tolerance for pain is a lot higher than I thought!

    If any of you lovely ladies want to message me or add, feel free, any questions advice.. Anything like that. My stats are 5 foot 7, between 9 and 10 stone, and size 8/10 in clothes, pre op I was an A cup wearing B bras. Mild tuberous.
    I hope you enjoyed my story 🙂 I found pre op all I wanted to do was read patient stories.
    Good luck with your boob jobs ladies and congratulations for those with newbies <3 Love you all!
    PS, follow my IG account ba_dec7th xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    Sophie Clare 17

    You are fabulous, thanks for that hunny not many people share there story like you do.. very helpful 🙂
    Can i add you, my stats are simalar, thank you !!


    I know girl that’s how I felt! Cos I was looking for some yesterday and found about 4 and thought hmm I’m gonna do one! 🙂 Yeah no worries babe just accepting now xxxx

    Karolina 42

    @ Rosie sweet of you to share your story…….I hope to share mine at some point xxx


    This was so helpful to read ! I’m having mine next week and this has answered a lot of questions for me so thank you Rosie, hope you don’t mind the add and I’m also going to follow you on Instagram xx

    sarah 15

    its nice to hear peoples storys it makes me more prepared for whats gonna happen 🙂 hope u dont mind the add xx

    Tina 1

    so good to hear a story like this in detail, some people are very brief in there descriptions, hope you don’t mind the add hun, researching boob jobs for next year and also looking to have a consultation with mr singh in late January after the Christmas rush is well out of the way 🙂 iv also followed you on instagram, i only have my personal account on instagram my name is CCWood10 just in case your wondering who it is 🙂 hope your recovery is going well and your loving your new boobs! 🙂 xx


    are you a writer? Ur good At telling a story xx I hope u don’t mind the add x mine is in 3 days

    Jenny 3

    @rosie hope you don’t mind I’ve added you from my personal instragram account my name is xjenmacx if you wondering who it is. Hope this is ok x

    Sara 8

    Hello hope you don’t mind the add, I’ve got similar stats and having it done on Monday. Do you know roughly what size you’ll end up, I’m so confused cause everyone seems to get different sizes even if they have the same implant. Glad your op went well and looks like you’re recovering very well too! Xxx


    Loved reading this. Thank you hun. Xxx

    Becky 4

    Loved your story, so honest and detailed. Hope you don’t mind the add Hun and happy healing although you seem to be doing great!! Xx

    Amie 32

    Loved reading this, you have made me so hungry with all the food you have been eating haha! Wish you a speedy pleasant recovery and hope you don’t mind the add xxx


    Awww girls you’re all so lovely saying you enjoyed my post! It’s lovely to have experiences to read by other girls. I had my strapping today and have suspected Hematoma in my right Breast. It’s riding high and painful but not unbareanle, theres no bruising just swelling and discomfort. I hope this disperses 🙁 Been told to monitor it and report if it gets bigger in size. Quite upset at this point and craving support, only my boyfriend has been to visit since I got it done and I’m feeling so lonely right now 🙁 My friends dont seem to be too bothered and I have one friend who’s checking in on me daily as she lives in Brighton about 100 miles away, apart from that I’ve just seen my boyfriend everyday since. Feel lonely 🙁 xxxxxx

    anne marie 8

    that is reassuring as i am with Dr Singh tomorrow, good to know how it all went, speedy recovery hunny xx

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