So before my op I had a million qs and this really hepled so thought id share my story too. My admissions time was 8am. Got there real early but went in about 7.50. There were 4 of us in the morn and we got taken to our rooms quite quickly. There was a pot left in the room for me to do a urine sample…I was desperate from about 7am as drunk a full bottle of water just before 6…hold it in though ladies..much easier. About 8.30 the nurse came in to complete first round not checks, Natalie and she was lovely. She did a pregnancy test in urine sample and whilst that was taking 5 mins she did my blood pressure, temp and pulse. I had given up smoking the 2 weeks before but no test was done, so a bit gutted about that but I know it was for the best and massively reduces infections. I’ve given up for good after 12 years. Real hard after 10 years especially the first few days but I did it ☺ you can too!
So about 20 mins later the doc came in, asked a number of qs about health, etc. He also checked my pulse and listened to my chest/ breathing.
Next person about was anaesthetist, John who came to ask how I was feeling, previous general ans experiences and if I had questions. This was about 9.40. He was great as told him I didn’t like needles, just make me go all funny but he said not to worry and he’ll take care of me..even give me a smaller needle…lol.
Then it was the famous Mr Traynor, he’s a machine but amazing. Checked that I still wanted 350cc, drew on me, I signed consent form and all ready to go. Said it would be about 12-12.30 when I go in.
Nurse came in at 11.50 and said we’re ready for you. Took me down corridor to anaesthetic room. John and another lady was in the room. At this point the nerves kicked in slightly, had remained calm prior to, just telling myself this is something I have to do. They wired me upto a machine and then put the canluar in my hand. Wasn’t painfully, just a little sting. Then started to pump the stuff in, put the mask on my face and said..your going to sleep in 3 secs..see you after the op!
The next thing I remember is waking up back in my room with the nurse calling my name. This was 2pm. Obviously not sure how long it took before they took me into theatre or how long it took me to wake up after. Felt really good though and first impressions they looked great.
No strapping with Mr T which is good as heard so many complaining about this. Just tape on my incisions and that’s it. Had tea and toast and about 6 glasses of water to get all back to normal.
Put on my m and ‘s sports bra (it’s real comfy). Got a 34dd and fits perfectly for now.
A bit later, nurse checked me until blood pressure and heart rate returned to normal and then said I’d be OK to go. I was a day case so ended up leaving at 4.30. Had taken a pillow in the car with me for the journey home.
Got more sore as the night went on just stiff, achy and uncomfortable that’s all. I know it will get worse before betterment. When you lie in one position it’s fine but when you move you feel the ache and pain. Not unbearable in any way though.
So overall that’s me…would recommend it to anyone, real happy so far. Hope healing process goes well now. Got post check on 30th xxxx please feel free to ask me any q’s xx
Hi Hayley, Love this post! Glad all went well yesterday, now sit back , relax and let those babies heal 🙂
Merry Christmas xx
This is fab thank you Hayley, im in on 29th with Traynor and this has eased my ‘whats going to happen’ q’s!!
Im in at 8am so hopefully should be done about the same as you
What size were you before? x
Moring @hayleypix2015 thanks for your fab post.
I have Dr Traynor 2 weeks today – 300cc unders and you have made me feel much better.
Happy healing! xx
Thanks ladies…yeah you’ll all be fine! I was 32a/b before and now I think I’m about a 32dd, that’s the sports bra anyway and it’s pretty tight. Not sure is they’ll go down after swelling or go bigger as they fluff up. They’re like rocks right now 😉 will be happy I’d they’re 32dd in the end. Much petter projection now too that’s something I’ve really noticed, had high profile. What sizes are you all having vs current size? X
Hi lv I was in yesterday answel room no3 can not move today in agony xx
So we’re in the same boat Amy…you don’t really get to see anyone once you’re in your room do you? What did you have hun? I struggle to stand up once lay down just due to how much my muscles ache but when I’m still don’t really have any pain. What’s your pain like? We can keep in touch to see progress of each other xxx
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I got 500cc overs I know you are quite secluded aren’t you I was fine last night until about 10 had about 2 hours sleep can not get comfy and my face keeps burning up might try and get some co-codamol feel like I’ve been hit by a bus xx
Gosh that’s much bigger her, not surprised you’re in pain. Not sure why your face is burning up though.. come to think plot it, I have a lot more colour in my face this morning and completely pale since I had to stay tan less. Maybe it’s just a reaction to the General and medicine. Should go better tomorrow. What size were you before? So uncomfortable trying to sleep sat up too, was surrounded by pillows last night a was sure I’d end up trying to go back on my side!! Just a few days of pain I think and we’ll hopefully be fine xx
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I was a b before and I know I kept sloping down in the bed only way I was comfortable them waking up propping myself back up which was really bad then taking more painkillers it’s hard work isn’t it best be worth it x
Hi ladies I was there too yesterday but didn’t go down until about 4.30 and home for 9.00 last night. I slept quite well and feel good today just by arms and armpits. Keeping up with the meds though. I can’t stress to anyone who is thinking about having this procedure or waiting for their appointment what a lovely experience it is including the hospital at Preston, staff and overall experience so far. When I woke up and had my first sneak peak I can honestly say I thought why have I waited so long to do this xxxx good luck with your recoveries and enjoy your new friends
Hi girls I was in yesterday too! I had 400cc under the muscle! I was fine after even nipped into tesco with my mum to stretch my legs!! A take away sorted me right out! I woke up a few times from the night through restlessness not through pain.
I feel like I’ve just done my chest at the gym to be honest it’s just an ache when I move a certain way!
My face keeps burning too a little xx
Wow yours look fab Megan! Your before pics are quite similar to how I am now so i’d be thrilled if my results were the same. Do you find they feel too heavy for you at all? x
Great post hun – so helpful… Happy healing. Xx:)
so good to hear all this ladies thank you all ! i have my op with doctor traynor on 29th ! I’m so excited !! my admission date is 8am too so probably gonna be a bit like you hayley xxx
Hey Emma but you can’t wait, yeah and I was last in the morning so you might be earlier. Just think, this time in 6 days you’ll be all done…very exciting xx good luck hun xx
Hi Hannah and for the month before I had the op I was wearing 2 push up bra’s as I was trying to keep it discreet so they were pretty heavy! But no they don’t feel heavy now but it’s probably because wearing the bras x
Hi girls!
I don’t normally post on here but I also got my op done on 22nd – knew there had to be other people crazy enough to get it done just before Christmas!
I hope you are all still doing ok!
I had 365cc under the muscle and after reading a lot of stuff on here had really freaked myself out and prepared myself for the worst in terms of the pain, but so far I’ve been fine, can be a bit uncomfortable at times but no where near as bad as I thought!
I didn’t get mine done with MYA but would totally agree with the comments about what a pleasant experience it is. I’m based in Scotland and all the people in the hospital were amazing!
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