My journey, over 3 months post op! Started by: Xx..A..xX

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  • Xx..A..xX 81

    Hey ladies, thought I’d share my journey now I’m over 3 months post op! Started as a very empty 34dd. They were empty sacks, didn’t even look like dd’s but my weight fluctuated so much that they eventually became saggy. I had 590cc UHP overs on the 30th November with Mr Mounir, he was lovely and thankfully everything went smoothly! I was borderline uplift but decided against having one as I have no children yet. I know some people say don’t take the risk, but I was happier with anything but my sacks!

    For the first couple of days I was completely dependant, couldn’t even dress myself ? But by day 5 I washed my own hair over the bath and by day 7 I was driving! I didn’t go back to work until just under 3 weeks as i work as a nurse and was worried about the heavy work! I was constantly worrying everything was wrong, that I had capsular contracture, double name it, I had it! But it soon felt like the elephant had stopped sitting on my chest and my nerves settled down!!!! ?

    Over 3 months on and I am now measuring a 32HH, sounds huge but they don’t look it as I’m size 12 and 5 ft 6″! I have good and bad days..major boob greed, days where I inspect every inch of them and days where I love them! The sensation in my left nipple is slowly coming back and I have developed some nasty red stretch marks but they’re beginning to settle down! I can’t use bio oil because of my eczema, so if anyone knows a good alternative, would be much appreciated!! I still have shooting pains and can feel my implants, but luckily no rippling!

    Overall I am ridiculously happy and so glad I did it! Took me 5 years to work up the courage!! I’ve added a few pics (before, now and some pics of my scars now)! Sorry for the essay ladies!! Good luck to all those pre op and happy healing to all those post!! Xxx

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    Tracy 35

    Hi Hun they look amazing, thanks for sharing, it’s great to hear other people’s stories who are further down the line x x x

    Ashleigh 27

    They look great, what a difference from pre op to post op, you must be over the moon! I feel exactly the same way, panicking about capsular contracture and double bubble, and I can totally relate to the elephant ? It’s reassuring to hear it all goes away in time. You look amazing! Xxx

    lauren 29

    They look really good and are massive compared to mine. I had 375 with Mr mounir too. At what point did you start to notice stretch marks? I’m 12 weeks on Monday and have been going without a bra at night to try to get them to drop more xx

    Xx..A..xX 81

    Thanks ladies! That damn elephant ?? I honestly thought it would never go away! It’s just so easy to worry and compare yourself to everyone else, but I’m learning to love my own now!! Erm, I had some pre op but they were light and could barely see them, they came about 2 months post op..near enough overnight and are worse underneath my boobs (on the numb bit) but thankfully they’re starting to become less red now xx

    Georgina 16

    They look amazing!! I had an uplift and my suregon recommended dermatix but I’m not sure if it’s just for scaring? Xx

    Xx..A..xX 81

    Thanks chick, I’ll look into that then xx

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