My MYA Experience! Started by: Danielle

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  • Danielle 1

    For as long as I can remember I have always wanted bigger boobs. My mum would always tell me ‘they’ll grow as you get older’ but as you guess they never did. So when I was 18 I looked into breast enlargement and went for a consultation. The consultation informed me more about the procedure and cost etc but being 18 and a student I was unable to afford the procedure so decided to wait a few more years. About a year ago I started to do more research into breast enlargement and look for different cosmetic surgery companies. I chose MYA. They had amazing reviews both with their surgeons and aftercare and they also offered finance which was amazing to hear! On my 21st birthday in September I booked a consultation to start the process.
    On the day of my consultation my appointment was 45 minutes late. Not the best first impression but was offered a slight discount as an apology. After my consultation I applied for my finance and was accepted! So booked to meet my surgeon Dr Mounir a few weeks later. My PC rang me a few times to get me to pay my deposit but I wanted to wait until Id met my surgeon before I booked a date for surgery. However as I wanted surgery ASAP as I had time booked off work I decided to go ahead and book my date and pay my deposit before I met my surgeon. This is when I felt my PC changed. She didn’t seem interested in me anymore now that I had paid. Whenever I would email it would take days for a reply sometimes no reply at all! Texts would never be answered. It felt as if I was doing all the hard work! My PC was not there when I met my surgeon or when I tried on my sizes either. Instead I had 2 different girls and although they were lovely it would have been nice to have a bit of continuity.
    Anyway I met with Dr Mounir who is lovely! I told him I wanted to be around a D cup and he gave me a few different sizes to try. After trying on I decided to go with 375cc hp under the muscle.
    3rd November – surgery date! My admission time was 11am at Preston First Trust as a day case. Spent the morning relaxing in my room until I was ready to go down to theatre at 1.30. I woke up from surgery feeling so ill and sore! A lot worse than I anticipated. I struggled to come around from the anesthetic and just couldn’t keep my eyes open! I couldn’t get out of bed without feeling as if I was going to pass out. 3 hours later I was still no better and my blood pressure plummeted so they decided it was best for me to stay in for the night. After a good nights sleep I woke up feeling so much better and was able to go home.
    Day 2-4 were the worst for me. I suffered with awful sickness and couldn’t cope with the pain of my compression band. I was also disappointed when I phoned MYA to speak to my PC for some advice only to find out she was on holiday for the rest of the week. Would have been nice to have been told beforehand! I ended up having to speak to someone else from a different clinic! She was lovely though.
    I am now 1 week post op and back to normal. So happy with my boobs! Can’t wait for them to drop and settle and start to feel like my own! Went for my 1 week post op check today and everything is healing well. Tried to drive today for the first time and did struggle slightly so going to wait a few more days!
    That’s my MYA experience. If anyone has any questions feel free to ask 🙂 xx

    Karolina 42

    Thanks for sharing Danielle xxx

    Malisha.X 3

    Thank you for sharing @Danielle 🙂 x

    Danielle 2

    Hi Danielle! We’re you told you had to apply for finance before seeing your surgeon? I’ve just been told to make sure I have finance in place before seeing Dr Traynor ( I’ve seen a surgeon at MYA a couple of years back and never had to apply for the finance beforehand) thanks for sharing your experience 🙂 x

    Danielle 2

    *were not *we’re grrr

    Danielle 1

    My PC told me to apply straight away just to make sure I was accepted. The only thing is once you’ve applied for your finance if you don’t pay your deposit within 30 days you have to reapply which is slightly annoying. I think they tell you to apply just so you know because you don’t want to go see your surgeon then find out youve not been accepted and then you have to try and save all the money! X

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