My New Boobiieeees!! Started by: Emma

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  • Emma 26

    hey guys im 7 days post op, i had my strapping off earlier today and was shocked at how big my boobs are lol obviously theres still plenty of swelling and still riding high but i couldnt be happier if i tried

    500CC courtesy of Dr singh 🙂 xxx

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    Tammy 8

    Look huge 😀 u must be so happy xx

    Sophie 123

    Look fab hunny, you must be pleased xx


    they look so good! love the size!! bet your over the moon xxx

    Emma 26

    omg yes hun im excited to see how they settle now 🙂 xx


    i know its so exciting isnt it, im kinda wanting my healing process to be over and have the final result, but my ps said i would get a natural look, but kinda want to take advantage of the roundness swelling hahaa. ive just put a vest top on and feeling my boobs they feel like how they did with my padded bra and i need to keep reminding myself that theyre actual boobs now and i need to not walk into everything hahaha xxx

    Liberty 2

    They look amazing ! I bet your so pleased. Are they unders or overs? x

    Sharks 149

    They look marvellous hun. Am now 10 weeks post-op and my boobs have completely healed and have started to take on a natural shape. I had 425cc HP unders. They look huuuge in tops and am now wondering how enormous they would look, had I been given they 450cc I had asked for. Yours are going to look even better once they are fully healed. Happy healing and happy new boobies. xxx

    Trace 158

    Wow they look fantastic, amazing size!!

    I see you’re in the Birmingham clinic – I am too!! I’m having my strapping off tomorrow and bricking it in case I don’t like them haha! xx

    Emma 26

    Hey @Sammy i am like so over this healing process lol i need it to be over hahaha its doing my head in for one im desperate to sleep on my side even just to lie on my side on the sofa ahhhh feel like them days are miles away…i havent worn anything other that hoodies but when i put my hand on my boob its all smooth and firm compared to the dog ears i started off with lol not long tho babe till were in our strappy tops and boob tubes minus a bra lol 🙂 im not the slimest of women i carry all my weight around my middle, and for once in my life my boobs stick out further than my tummy haha happy days 🙂 x

    Emma 26

    Hey Liberty, These are Over hun over the muscle under the breast tissue 🙂 i have photos on my profile you can see there open for everyone to see will be updating as i go along too xxx

    Jennifer 90

    @ladybabiedoll88 they’re fab emma! 🙂 hope your healings going well, i’m with you ladies though I can not WAIT to sleep on my side again it’s so uncomfortable! But very worth it obvs! 🙂 Xx

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