Hi Everyone!
So i’m just sat in my hospital bed in Preston, had my ba this morning around 10am.
I can not tell you all enough how lovely they are here.
My admission time was at 8. My nurse Alan was so nice, went through everything and so did the other doctors and nurses.
I travelled down on my own last night as i wanted to be along because my mam would drive me insane haha and my boyfriend would too fussing over me ha. So i’m jut waiting for him to pick me up.
Everything went so so well. When i woke up i was in agony with my stomach. I have really bad ibs and it had been playing up for days probably because of my nerves. I wasn’t alloud to get up as my blood pressure was really low. Could be down to being dehydrated as you’re not allowed to drink
I had a two hour nap and i feel soooo much better. My pain is about 4/10 and i’m just feeling uncomfortable. Other wise im fine. Im so so so so happy with how the day went. I was a a little nervous coming in. The staff made me feel so at ease. Feel free to ask questions cxxx