My op is 2 weeks today!!! Started by: Jennie

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  • Jennie 21

    I can’t believe it! I only went in for some advice last month! I had contacted MYA about 10 times but never been in so decided just to go and see what was said! I turn 30 this year so wanted to treat myself and do something for me! I couldn’t believe how easy and straightfoward it was! Lauren my PC and said I could have the procedure done in time for my holiday in May! Right then I was certain it was going to be done! I went through the finance and was declined so asked my husband and he passed so paid the deposit and was booked in! I love how much advice I get off the girls on here! I am so happy to share my journey with you all! I haven’t really told family and friends so it’s nice to be myself on here! Xx


    Good luck hun! Pains worth it, can’t wait to finally buy sexy undies xx

    Becky 27

    I’m exactly the same! I’ve found all the staff really friendly and all the girls on here helping me make my decision, I also got declined for the finance but my dad got a 1.2% card for me!! I’m 3 years in remission in april so thought I would celebrate as the chemo affected my growth, best decision ever!!xx

    Trace 158

    Ahhh @beckytierney, that’s lovely news xxxx

    Becky 27

    Thank you xxxx

    Jennie 21

    Ahh good luck Beck, hope all goes well!! Sounds like you deserve it! Xxx

    Becky 27

    Awhh thank you, i cant wait! I hope you enjoy yours and show them off for your holiday :)x

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