My op is in one week. Really nervous! >__ Started by: erica

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  • erica

    I have had my heart set on a BA for an astonishingly long time and finally, my plan/dream is coming to fruition on Friday the 16th(one week today).
    Unfortunately, my family and most of my friends are quite against ‘this kind of thing’ so I have chosen to not tell them until i am recovered… but as a result, only 3 people other than myself and Dr. Singh know that I’ve booked this.
    I’m becoming increasingly nervous about the whole thing, though no less adamant that it is what I want.
    I was wondering if anybody had any tips on calming your nerves? Have any of you gone through this without any support from family and friends? I would be gutted if i let my nerves get the better of me and bottled it, so really any advice would be gratefully welcomed 🙂

    Lottie 2

    I’m gonna be taking batch herbal remedy sweets or mouth spray that always works for my stress moments!:) my op is 13 th November so 4 days 😀 but good luck all u can do is think of your outcome and how muh it WILL change your life and happiness 🙂

    nicca1980 2

    Hya hun, think you are prob more nervous about what your family and friends might say than the actual op? I may be wrong but I was the same, I told hardly no one. Until the day after! Their is nothing they can do about it then obviously my parents were upset that I hadn’t told them before well my dad I said it was because I didn’t want him worrying that wasn’t the reason at all the reason was I knew he wouldn’t approve but what could he do after it was done? I told my mum before and she spent every minute trying to convince me I didn’t need it, even the morning of the op she was telling me its not too late to back out! If I was you I would have it done then tell them, some will support you others won’t but at least once its fine they can’t try to talk you out of it.

    aimee88 1

    Hey erica, I am now 12 days PO and not many people know I’ve had it done! Only the closest people to me. I did tell my mum as I am still living with her and she is totally against the idea. I made her come with me to meet the surgeon and I felt so alone leading up to the op avoiding talking to her about it. Now its all over and done she is a lot calmer about it all. I think when some one says they are having a boob job you imagine the worst and once its done they realise that it is not like that at all. Still only 4 members of my rather large family even know I have had the operation and I am unsure as to if I will even bring it up to the rest. If this is something you have wanted for so long then I say go for it! Its easier to get forgiveness than someone elses approval anyway! I was so strong minded about it all and my mum tried to change my mind, I am so glad I’ve done it now, I love feeling more like a woman and actually filling my clothes. Don’t let people stand in the way of it if you’ve always dreamt of this, they will all be okay afterwards. Just try to arrange for those 3 people to help you out in the first week as much as possible as you may need it! Good luck for your op and just think in a week it will be in motion and you will have your dream boobies!! x


    Hi Erica, like you i didnt tell people. The only people who knew were my husband, 2 kids mum and 1 very close friend. The only reason they knew were because they are the people i care most about and if anything drastic happened on the operating table i didnt want them to not of even known i was there. Instead of worrying that people didnt know i quite enjoyed the fact that i was doing something so big and no-one knows, its like having a big exciting secret, especially when your recovering well and feeling much more confident about yourself and no-one knows why :). Try to think of it like that and if the people you have told are negative just tell them you dont want to talk about and they should be honoured you told them anyway!!!!! :).
    You go girl xxxx

    Lottie 2

    Havnt told my sisters ! They really arnt the type to free wih it they gave my sisters hubby’s sister a hard time so I havnt :/ I don’t know how too! Mum and dad know but they arnt happy either ! I think your nerves will come more from the worry of telling your family more … You just have to think and say … It is for me and no one else not a man just me 🙂 I will gain so much more self confidence …they would proberly image like Katie price I guess ,well my family would …


    Thank you, ladies!
    It’s really nice to know i’m not the only one in this boat…I felt so so guilty about not telling my family and I think it’s true that a lot of my nerves are probably coming more from that issue rather than the anticipation of the operation itself.
    One of the people who knows is my long term partner and they are taking time off to look after me, thankfully 🙂
    I’ve definitely taken lots of this advice on board. It’s changed the way I’ve been looking at this and turned me back to being more happy/enthusiastic than nervous! <3
    @Lottie Any suggestions on certain types of herbal remedies before i try and buy the whole pharmacy tomorrow? 🙂 I think it can't hurt to have a back up plan if i turn to a bundle of nerves on the day

    Thanks again, lovelies. Great advice! 🙂

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