My Op story! – Weds 25th March Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    My admission time was at 7am in Birmingham so I was up at 4am and out the house half ann hour later. Once I arrived I had about a half hour wait in the lobby which I spent clinging to my v pillow for comfort. I was then introduced to a nurse and shown to my room where I was told to have a shower if I didn’t have one the night before and then put on these big paper knickers, gown and do a urine sample. About 15 minutes later my blood pressure was taken and my legs were measured for stockings (which are necessary as they help to prevent blood clots) The surgeon then came in and we went over what I wanted again and he drew on me and me I would be next and it would be about an hours wait. I told him that I’m not good with needles and he said that he would let the anaesthetist know and a nurse so that I can have numbing cream applied to my hands. A few minutes later the nurse came in and gave me my stockings and put numbing cream all over my hands. Eventually a different nurse came and took me down to the theatre, I was told to put my paper hat on and take my slippers off and lay on the bed there were about 5 people in the room all trying to take my mind of what was happening by mentioning my nail colour! Lol! The anaesthetist was amazing and I hardly felt a thing all I heard was I am going to put you to sleep now darling and the next thing I knew I was being woken up whilst being wheeled back into my room. I felt a little disorientated and excited but didn’t have any pain due to the anaesthetic still in my system. I have strapping on which is quite uncomfortable but other than that I haven’t been too bad as I am making sure to stay on top of all my meds and my partner has been doing an amazing job looking after me! 🙂 I am now 4 days post op and can’t wait to get this strapping off and my comfy Macom bras on! I am going to take pics of my progress and upload them to my profile on a regular basis. If any one has any questions please feel free to ask and I will be happy to help the best I can.

    Good luck to all those pre op and happy healing to those post op… This journey isn’t an easy one but it is certainly a life changing one and one ill never regret! 🙂 xxxxxxxx

    Danielle 131

    Congrats hun, happy recovery x


    @destijil thanks hun 🙂 I’ve taken my strapping off early and put my Macom on as I was so uncomfy lol! I hope it will be ok xxx

    Bex 5

    Hope you don’t mind the add? I’m having my op 2 weeks today in Birmingham x


    Hi bex, of course I don’t. I’ll accept now, what cc are you having? Xx

    Bex 5

    I’m having 375cc hp partials – I can’t wait!


    @bex684 I bet 🙂 not long left now hun. Are you all prepared? Xx

    Tracy 30

    Hiya congrats on your op. Can I just ask what time you got to leave the hospital? Thanks. Xx


    Hi Tracy, thank you. I was meant to stay overnight but I felt fine to leave so I left at about 11pm xx

    Sharks 149

    Am so glad your day went smoothly. Happy new boobies second time around. Hope your healing goes well. Can’t wait to see those pics once the strapping comes off. You are going to have some fab-ou-lous boobies!!!

    Tracy 30

    That’s not so bad then. Got mine booked for the 13th may. Can’t wait. Enjoy your new boobies

    Bex 5

    @lisamaria I think I’m more or less prepared although I’ve still got a few bits & pieces to get – I’m in love with my v-pillow though it’s so comfy! I’ve been driving my boyfriend mad with my daily countdown too : ) I seem to be all excited at the moment, still waiting for the nerves to kick in x


    Thanks @sharksaub00bage I have uploaded some pics to my profile 🙂 Good luck @tracylou23 for the 13th May.

    I also drove my partner crazy to the point that he was sick of hearing about boobs! Lol! There isn’t really much to be nervous about as once you arrive at hospital it’s over so quickly and you wake up with boobs 🙂 good luck for in 2 weeks time hun xx

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