My story!!! Started by: Naomi

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  • Naomi 1

    Hi girls. I’ve posted a few times since my op but I just thought I’d share my story…
    On sat (16/3/13) my admission time was 730, I got to the hospital (droitwich) and was shown to my room… It was lovely and nothing like a hospital, more like a hotel room(even has sky movies).. I got told to change into my gown and relax… The nurse then came to see me to do my blood pressure and I done a wee sample… And then dr shiavone came to see me at about 8.30 and explained a few things and I had to sign the consent form. He told me I as second on the list and I would go to surgery about 10.00am.. The anestatist also came to see me and asked a couple of questions.
    At 9.50 I was took to theatre… I was made to feel very relaxed and I wasn’t nervous one bit!!!
    I woke up and the nurse told me I had deco got the 485cc I wanted! I was so pleased.
    I was back in my room at about 1130. I was a bit dazed but I think I was that excited I didn’t notice any pain lol!
    I was relaxed for the rest of the day and was given some ice to put on my new boobies, it was just a bit uncomfortable and felt like pressure on my chest. The nurses came to check throughout the day and done blood pressure etc and then dr shiavone came to see me at 530 just after the nurse took my drains out (didn’t hurt just weird feeling) and I left the hospital at 6!
    I’m so happy with my new boobs! They are just what I wanted and I couldn’t have pictured them any better!


    Sounds like you’ve had a great experience? Glad you got the sizes you wanted too! I’m having 470cc next month o you mind if I add you please? x

    Naomi 1

    No problem Hun xx


    I went to add you and we already friends? I’m loosing the plot I think? Ha ha x


    Thanks for the story of your day at the hospital…. it’s really nice to sort of know what us girls should expect on our op day 🙂 x


    Hi Naomi hope u don’t mind the add I’m having 450 unders in 2 weeks xx


    Glad everything went well!
    Great reading stories like this, when I’m already getting nervous just before my first consultation (Sunday)!
    Did the discomfort get worse over the next few days? I’ve read loads of stories, one saying the pain was unbearable, and others saying its just a slight uncomfort?! Not sure what to expect:/

    Naomi 1

    Not at all Zoe 🙂
    Tee… It’s quite uncomfortable at first.. But it is bearable, I had mine on sat and I haven’t had to take any painkillers today for the first time since so I think that’s quite good going.. Also I have a 4yr old and a 11 month old and I was dreading it but I’ve been ok…. It definitely worth it! Xx


    Ahh amazing thank you:) it’s good you’ve been doing so well and off painkillers already:) xx

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