My story 25/01/13 Started by: Pinklady

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    So my admittance time to Parkhill Hospital Doncaster was 8:00 a.m. My dad picked me up at 6:30 am as we live a good 50 miles away. My mum was also in the car as we were having our operations on the same day. My mum an uplift and myself a breast augmentation from an A cup to achieve a D cup after weight loss and childbirth.
    We arrived at the hospital just in time as we struggled once in the grounds to find the correct place and somewhere to park. They have a small private car park in the grounds.
    I checked in at the reception and answered a few questions and signed the paperwork. We sat down for a few minutes before a lady came to show us to my room. I was in room number 16.
    I was so nervous on the day as i hate needles, hospitals and had never had a canula in my hand or a general anaesthetic. Even after having my 2 children. It is just the unknown i think. It was lovely though how my parents were allowed to stay with me in my room.
    My room was nice with a flat screen tv on the wall and ensuite.
    Around 8:30 am 2 nurses came in and asked me a few questions, took my temperature and blood pressure. I was told to strip off all clothing and jewellery and pop on my paper pants, stockings and gown. I was told the anaesthetist would come in to see me shortly.
    As soon as i was ready a knock on the door and another lovely nurse and a jolly indian man (the anaesthetist) came in. He ran through a few questions and i said i was scared and didn’t like needles. So the nurse popped me some numbing cream on both of my hands.
    Around 9:30 am Mr Kazzazi arrived with a nurse to do his markings on me and ask if the 400cc TSX implants placed under the muscle were still what i wanted. I agreed and signed the consent form. I was told i was in good hands and felt very reassured.
    Time dragged until 11:35 am when the 2 original nurses i saw came to collect me. I was so frightened and had some tears leaving my parents to go to theatre. One of the nurses held me as we walked as i was crying and she offered to stay with me whilst i was being put to sleep. Which i thought was nice.
    I got to the room just ouside theatre and was told by a friendly man to lie on the bed and just slip my arms out of my gown but keep covered over. I was beginning to knock at the knees by now so he put a blanket on me and reassured me again. He then put some compression boots on me too.
    The nurse kept me talking and distracted whilst the anaesthetist put the canula in which due to the cream i barely felt!
    Mr Kazzazi came in, in his scrubs and again reassured me. Then it was 11:50 and time for my gin and tonic lol! I had one syringe go in and thought oh nothings happening then the next dose and i was told this may feel cold. I felt it go up my arm and down the other and suddenly could no longer focus on the clock, i went to sleep.
    I remember waking up with an oxygen mask on which i was told may happen and felt all nice and warm and relaxed. I thought i had blnked but the clock said 1:05 pm!
    The two nurses wheeled me back to my room to my parents. More tears from my mum and i!
    I was put on a drip as i was also told this may happen beforehand. I looked down and saw the drains but really didn’t care. I drank water as i was so thirsty and my throat felt dry and sore from the tube they put down to help you breathe in theatre. The nurse told me that all had gone very well and it actually only took 23 minutes to perform my surgery, wow!
    I struggled with my toast as my mouth was so dry and i did feel a little sicky. Although later on i managed a little more food.
    My mum had to go to her room just 2 doors up at 4:00pm as this was her admittance time for her operation. My dad kept on flitting between the 2 of us. Until 6:20 pm when it was my mum’s turn to go (again more tears).
    My dad left me to snooze whilst he walked out to pick up a pizza and when he returned told me the snow was getting heavy!
    Another lovely nurse came in and asked as i was a day case and the weather was getting bad what we were going to do. My dad said we will make it home. She took my drains out around 9:30 pm and my canula and gave me my discharge papers and medication. The drains weren’t painful at all just a strange sensation as they almost tickle your insides and i almost felt like it winded me, really strange!
    Mr Kazzazi also popped in and said i looked fine and was able to go and that my mum was up in recovery.
    It came to 10:15 pm when my mum got brought back down, we were anxiously waiting in my room. I had got dressed and was ready to go.
    My mum was really out of it and worse coming round than me with being under for much longer. She was an overnight stay with having that sort of operation late on in the day. We said our farewells and that my dad would collect her the next day.
    We said goodbye to all the staff and i waited whilst my dad brought the car round to the doors. Oh boy had it snowed and i knew straight away it didn’t look good for our journey home. We took 3 attempts and finally made it out onto the main roads which were also terrible. After driving half an hour in bad snow we had to give up and just made it to a premier inn! Thank god they had a room for us and my dad booked us a breakfast for the following morning too. Bless him he had to help me flush the toilet, get undressed. We had a laugh though in the end.
    I rang my husband and said we were stranded but at least we were safe. I missed my husband and children and dog so much but it was out of our control.
    I took some medication and settled onto my v pillow around 1:00 am. I did wake several times for the toilet, tablets etc but just felt like somebody was sat on my chest really.
    The following morning we had a lovely breakfast although i couldn’t eat like i nomally would. Luckily a lot of snow had washed away and back to the hospital we went to collect my mum. Again more farewells to all the lovely staff and then homeward bound.
    I arrived home to my family and felt so relieved. I had beautiful flowers and have been so well looked after ever since. I did get a reaction to the sticky bandage i had on me and came out in sores and blood blisters. I was told to take piriton which did help and took away the itch. I also really struggled for a week with my tummy and not being able to go to the toilet so went on senokot.
    I had the bandages removed on day 6 and then today day 10 removed my steri strips after my first shower. Everything is healing and looking well and i am getting better each day. They are still quite far apart and hard but i am sure they have lots of changing to do. My Royce bra arrived and is very comfy even if not the nicest looking.
    My husband goes back to work on Wednesday so i am back to the school run and slightly worried about lifting my youngest daughter but i just have to be careful and try not to do too much at once.
    I can honestly say so far my experience has been fantastic apart from mother nature with the snow! Although it was quality time with my dad so we look on the bright side.
    Anyway my hand is now so achy and i am sure you have all fallen to sleep but i just wanted to help other ladies and share my personal journey.


    Awwww, that’s a wonderful story! Happy healing to you and your mummy x x x

    Charlotte 1

    That’s such a fabulous story doll! Thanks for sharing, my ops not until the 13th March but that’s put me at ease big time about it all! X

    Miss V

    I had mine 25th too and same issues with tummy! Hows yours now?? I’m still suffering x

    myamoderator 138

    Hi Pinklady what a fabulous story! thanks so much for sharing! Hope you are feeling well after your procedure? Would you like to upload your story on this section so it can be easily found? Many thanks x


    I really struggled the first week and looked 6 months pregnant again. Still bloated now on day 11 but not as bad. Sounds horrible but my bowel movements still aren’t right. Keep trying laxatives but if it carries on i will see my gp.


    Hi Myamoderator,
    i would love to do that to help other ladies. How do i go about this and upload a clear picture as my current avatar isn’t very clear and seems to have dissapeared at the moment.
    Many thanks.

    myamoderator 138

    Hi pinklady, thanks for your reply!

    We made some changes to improve the speed of the forum yesterday and avatars have disapeared for a little while but will be back soon! Here is how to upload your story.
    Step One
    Scroll to the bottom of this page and click on the black button titled ‘Upload Story’.
    Step Two
    Write as much or as little as you’d like about what brought you to MYA, your procedure and your surgery journey.
    Step Three
    Browse and upload a photo from your PC, phone or tablet.
    Step Four
    Click ‘Submit your story’ and you’re done! xx

    Thanks again for kindly sharing!


    Hi again,
    Sorry i can’t seem to see a black button titled ‘Upload Story’?
    I am hoping not to have to type all of that out again really or would i have to?
    Many thanks again.


    Hey hun, you need to go to the patient stories tab… Upload story button is there… Copy and paste chic 😉 x

    myamoderator 138

    Hi pinklady,
    I can copy and paste your story for you if you like. Please can you email a photograph and your age to and I will pop this on 🙂 x


    Hi pinklady just read your story and its great to hear peoples experiances and how there op went, cant believe it only took 23 mins x

    Em 3

    Grate story Hun , congratulations happy healing .x


    Thanks Myamoderator but i realised just after! All done. Thank you everybody!


    Hi Myamoderator,
    I uploaded my story but it doesn’t appear to be there yet. Does it all have to be checked first?
    Thank you.

    myamoderator 138

    Hi pinklady,
    There is currently a problem with avatars on the site meaning we can’t publish your story yet. Thanks for uploading it! We will publish it asap!
    Many thanks x

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