My Story – 26.10.2012 Started by: boobenvy23

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    My admission time was 8:30am which I was only too happy to get such an early time because I didn’t want to be waiting around all day. Anyway my countdown wasn’t half as nerve wracking or as exciting as it should have been because it got dampened by a really bad toothache which I turned up to Highgate with. 
    I got to Highgate just before half 8 and was in my room by just after 9. I thought this wasn’t too bad as I was filling out some forms. 
    Once I was in my room I got asked all the questions needed and got told to change into my gown and paper underwear (sexy). 
    The nurses were all great all day long and couldn’t have made this day better for me. 
    Anyway after all the checks a nurse came in for me at 11 and said it was my turn to go down to theatre. The nerves then kicked in big time. My mum now started to panic aswell. 
    They agreed I was allowed to be put to sleep by the gas and then the drip would be put in my hand so I didn’t have to feel any of it. As soon as I sat on the bed and nearly started to cry the gas mask was on face and then I was waking up and it was all over!! I was really happy and all the nurses were laughing at how awake and happy I was straight away. Well to be honest at first I didn’t even think they had been done?! 

    The service for the rest of the day I just cannot fault at all! 

    I have been quite lucky with the pain and haven’t needed to take the painkillers at all. It aches a bit and I need a lot of help doing normal day to day stuff but I am still only 1 day post op so only up from here.

    Sorry. What an essay but loved reading everybody else’s. Thanks for all your help girls. 

    I had Dr. Singh. Was a 34b/c empty cup and had 450cc. I am now day 1 post op and wearing a F sports bra but have loads of swelling. 

    minisha -1

    What a fab story 🙂 i just had mine done on 27th so still at hotel, looking forward to my own bed lol i too cannot fault te service! They were fab at highgate, i had dr F though and not as big. So scary going to theatre to be put under i was shaking n bout to cry but didnt and soooo weird when u wake as doesnt feel like u went to sleep let alone had an op! Haha do u mind if i add you? Xx

    aimee88 1

    Ah thanks for sharing. I have an 8.30 admission time today at highgate and cannot sleep!! Lol. Hope they put me out with the gas first cause the GA freaks me out! Happy healing now 🙂 x


    @aimee88 I just asked kind of expecting them to say no and they said it wasn’t a problem. I did ask about an hour before I was taken down though.

    You are probably having your BA now or on your way to recovery already :D.

    Look forward to your story. Good luck!! :D. Xx



    No add me please. I felt the same I was so confused lol I was like wait a minute did I even all asleep yet. I’m glad it is like that though because it is scary enough.

    That walk was not the highlight of my day lol felt like I was walking The Green Mile lol. I was trying to act brave and when I was sitting on the bed my eyes started to fill up and then that was it. xx

    Ruby xo

    Hey girls ! I have mine done in 2 weeks today and really scared ! I’m a right big baby and am petrified of needles do you think they would give me the gas first ?! I’m more scared of the needle than boob job ! Lol x

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