My Story! Started by: xjessx

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  • xjessx 5

    Heyy girlies! i thought i’d share my story with you i’ll try and keep it as short as possible so not to ramble on lol!…I had my first consultation september last year to get as much information as possible so i could go away and go though everything and save the money before booking, my pc is lizzie at the manchester clinic…while there we got on to talking about holidays lol, the following may i booked my surgeon consultation with mr traynor, as i heard alot of good feed back about him plus my sister had him for her BA around 3/4 year’s ago after trying on sizes with someone different as lizzie wasnt in i was offered 240, 265, 295 and 325 i was going to have 295 but i then text my pc and changed my mind to go in between so i went with 300cc i booked an appointment with her to check they wouldnt be to big and then booked my opp for 3rd september this year…i got my admission time the friday before which was 11am at preston! (lovely place) me my mum and dad got the train there we was in preston for 9:20 so we had a walk around till it was time to go to the hospital…i arrived at the hospital around 10:30 just after, and was took to my room, the nurse went over my paper work after i got changed into those very sexy clothes haha! my mum and dad left around 11:30 and went to get there dinner in a pub (lucky them) the nurse’s where in and out up untill it was time to go…mr traynor come to see me about 1:45 to do a bit of paper work and his very good drawing! 10 mins later the nurse arrived and told me it was time to go to theatre it all went so anyways while laying on the table they was talking to me about my job ect while putting the cannula in my hand, i didnt have any nerves at all…they wheeled me in and told me they was going to put me to sleep that was the last thing i heard…an hour later my mum arrived back and asked if i was ready the nurse told her they was just bringing me back (good timing) i was back in my room by 3pm but wasnt for waking up haha! all i kept hearing was my name i would look up at them then try to go back to sleep lol…did this for a good few mins i did eventually talk to them they let my mum and dad back in the first thing i asked for was my phone lol, i text my too friends kayleigh and laura that i was all done! kayleigh couldnt believe how fast it went by, i then told laura that i loved her haha! dad turned on the tv for me and i watched a bit of JK the nurse come back half an hour later to do my blood pressure and asked if i wanted some toast and a cup of tea i said yes as i was so hungry it was unreal…i never new toast could taste so good lol! i was aloud to go home around 7 / 7:30 i wasnt tired at all which was odd…i had a bad night sleep kept wakin up every 2 hour’s with not being compfy…i’m now a week post opp and abs love my boobies still have along way to go yet but it was the best thing i ever did!…i’v had no pain at all just very tight and stiff which is now going my pc, mr traynor and all the staff at preston are lovely and cant thank them enough!…sorry if its long lol xxxx

    xjessx 5

    awww! thanks hun good luck to you xx


    Thank you sweety! Xx


    Thank you so much for that Jess! It’s great to read about how it all works on the day. 2 weeks to go for me – scary but exciting! So hope Mr Singh does a good job for me 🙂

    xjessx 5

    thanks caz! i’m sure he will do 🙂 xx


    Great story Hun, more girls should do this I can’t wait to meet my surgeon after talking to you my nervous have gone and everything xxx

    xjessx 5

    thanks! glad i could help xx

    xjessx 5

    Thought i would lool through all my posts to find my story about when i had my ba! So for all you girls unsure of what happen’s on the day here’s how it goes 🙂 enjoy hope this make you all feel better about it….this was nearly 3 years ago for me now! ?

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