My Story!!! Mr Traynor 345 overs :) Started by: Philippa123

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    Hi girls, thought i’d do a little story about my op yesterday, hope it isn’t too long and boring! Still can’t believe i’ve actually done it, it’s the best feeling ever!

    Well i had my BA yesterday at Preston First Trust hospital with Mr Traynor, admission time was 10.30am but I had to wait 5 hours for my op at 3.30, incredibly boring! haha I arrived a bit early and was shown straight to my room and told to change into the gown and paper knickers and told people would keep popping in to see me. A lovely healthcare assistant came in to do my obs and run through all the paperwork, the ward doctor then came in after to go through more questions and tell me about the medication to take home, a few hours later the anaesthetist came to have a chat about what would happen etc and then about an hour before my op the lovely Mr Traynor came in, he asked what size i had chosen and so i showed him some photos of boobies i liked and decided on 345cc overs! He then did a lovely drawing on my boobies and tied my gown up for me, bless him, he was so lovely! After even more waiting… the theatre nurse came to get me! It was the most surreal experience ever, i couldn’t believe it was actually happening! I got onto the trolley and the anaesthetist put a cannula in and i was about to go to sleep when he realised it wasn’t working so had another one put in the other hand! He then said relax and enjoy, the gin and tonic was coming haha The next thing i remember the nurse woke me up, told me it was all done and i immediately looked down my gown to see i had boobs!!! I was then wheeled back to my room and the nurses checked on me regularly, helped me to the toilet and brought me some well needed tea and toast!!! Mr traynor then popped in, asked how i was and prodded my boobs, he asked what i thought of the size and if they matched the photos so i said yes! he turned to my mum and said, she thinks i’m Jesus you know! haha I was allowed to go home before 7.30 so hadn’t even stayed 3 hours after my op, the nurses were so lovely, she even said i could stay overnight if i wanted to (free of charge!) but i felt absolutely fine, wasn’t sick, had no pain and was moving about so went back to the hotel. Overall it was a great experience and all the staff in Preston were lovely! Sorry this is such a long story! I still haven’t had a proper look at the girls yet, kind of terrified! But if anyone has any questions feel free to ask!! And thanks to everyone for all of your support xxxxx


    Glad you had a great experience Phillippa – it’s inspiring to read this. I’m saving just now and hoping to get mine done by next year (crosses fingers), this is so nice to read. I hope you recover well and are happy with the results! 🙂


    Aww thanks! 🙂 I’ll have my fingers crossed for you, it’ll come around before you know it, i’ve waited years to finally do it too and all of a sudden it came round so quickly, good luck with everything x

    Nicki 1

    Congrats Hun, glad ur happy 🙂 xx


    Thanks Nicki! Hope your boobies are doing good! 🙂 x


    So glad to hear this! I will be going Preston with Mr Traynor! Excited 😀
    Hope the healing goes well x


    I had mr traynor at first trust on tuesday he is great and hospital is great everyone is lovely and yes those sexy paper panties ha ha I had my op at bout 3pm and was back at hotel by 6 id recommend mr traynor to anyone he is my angel 🙂 glad you had the same great experience xx


    Ahh glad you had a good day too! I hated waiting around for so long though, i was starving!! Yeah i think he’s so lovely and so far the boobies are looking good! How are you finding your recovery? hope you’re healing well 🙂 x


    Glad to hear everything went well! Great story:):)
    So nervous about my first consultation coming up, but all these stories tonight are relaxing me more!!:) x


    Aww thanks! Don’t be nervous, you’ll be absolutely fine! just think about those great boobies at the end of it 🙂 x


    Thank you:) i keep thinking about th final result, but everything in between it is outweighing everything else right now! haha:) would you mind if I added you? 🙂 x


    The first thing I said when I woke up was I need food lol food and a fag is all I wanted ha ha my healings fine incision on my righty is itchy but guessing thats part of healing other then that just tight lol
    Hope yours is going fine hun x


    Of course you can add me Tee 🙂 ahh glad its going good! Yeah i’m just a little bit sore and swollen but doing pretty good I think! Much better than i thought it would be 🙂 xx


    Congrats sweetie!!!!! So glad all went well and your so happy!:-) happy healing!!xxx

    sillymilly 2

    Hey gorgeous girl congrats on the new boobs!! so glad all went well XXX


    My lefty is worse then righty at the moment its alot more swollon and achey lol guess ill have to rest some more lol glad its going good for you hun xx


    @philippa123 so happy for you and ur glad with ur new boobs, ive got mr traynor on thursday at preston not long now getting more nervous hope u dont mind me asking what size was u before? what size are u hoping to be? xx


    Thanks yasmin 🙂 ahh try not to be too nervous you will be absolutely fine! Mr T is amazing! Of course i don’t mind, i was a 32A pre op and asked to look a full C cup, but i showed him photos too of the size i was hoping for, mr T thinks i’ll be more like a D cup with my 345’s 🙂 what size are you having? And sillymilly thanks so much, i remember you helping me right at the beginning! Hope you are well xx


    ahh congrats! lush story x


    Hi congrats with the new boobies, thats a lovely story its great to hear peoples different experiances and how it went xx


    Thanks girls, you’re all too nice! 🙂 Good luck to everyone with their ops coming up xx


    @philippa123 im a 32a pre op havin 325cc asked to be a full C cup too think might end up being a D thou ill be ok with that as lost the weight through breast feeding, im just so happy im finally gettin to have them done after 8 years get to feel and look like a women again xx


    Hi Philippa, so glad to hear your story and how well it went. I hope my experience is as good as yours 🙂 I’m having 345cc overs with Mr Traynor in Preston too. xx

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