I had always wanted a boob since being just 15 years old I had never been happy with my small boobs. I then went on to have children and by the time I had finished breastfeeding my third and final child my boobs had well and truely served their purpose and resembled wet tea bags haha. By this time I was really down with how they looked and needed to do something about it.
I had my first consultation with the lovely Alison at the Manchester clinic last year. We discussed possible shapes, sizes & surgeons and went through the look I was aiming for. I was also told all about the Mya forum where I could research girls who had already had their procedures and follow their stories. This was a big decider for me as no other company had anything like this and i was able to read honest opinions from girls going through the same thing. I was really impressed with the consultation and left knowing I had made the right decision in choosing Mya.
Once i had the money together I called Alison & booked my surgery which was for less than a month later with my chosen surgeon Mr Traynor.
I had my pre op assessment and surgical consultation on the same day which was really good for me as I had already waited so long so I wanted everything to go as fast as possible. I arrived at the clinic and met the lovely Mr Traynor. I wasn’t disappointed with my choice he’s fab and very straight to the point. He doesnt sugar coat anything and that is exaclty what i wanted. I had a range of implants to choose from starting in the 200’s going up to 350cc. I of course went for highest, I was told these would be best placed partially under the muscle. I then met with the nurse who asked general health questions, checked me over and took my pictures. I left feeling really happy and excited for surgery day.
When I arrived at The First Trust Hospital on the morning of surgery I was a bag of mixed emotions. I wanted it sooo much I was so excited but really worried something would prevent it going ahead. As always just worrying for nothing really because everything went so well! I was taken to my room where I was given a gown, some lovely paper knickers and a pot to do a urine sample in for the pregnancy test. When I was changed was changed two lovely ladies came and did my admission it was just general questions about health, previous operations, medication and my bands put on. It didn’t take long at all then around 15 minutes later I saw the Anaesthetist who asked me pretty much the same questions and explained what would happen, then the doctor came in and it was pretty much the same thing again only he listened to my chest. Then the wonderful Mr Traynor came in signed the paperwork, did his drawings on me and explained everything again. Not long after that a lady came in and took me in to a small room next to where surgery was taking place and attached the sticky wires to my back, lied me down and fitted my cannula. The next person in was the anaesthetist again who said “it’s time to go to sleep” I remember the oxygen mask on my face and it feeling like I wasn’t going to be able to go to sleep. The next thing I knew I felt like I was still awake I asked the ladies around me if they couldn’t get me to sleep? They said your awake it’s done. I asked if I had boobs and instantly cried thanking them haha. I couldn’t stop looking at them when I got to my room! I actually had boobs and finally feel like a woman! I was home with my feet up by 5:40 so it was a really quick day from a 11am admission. It’s been such an amazing experience from the first consultation with the beautiful Alison to boobie day at the First Trust.
I am one month post op and my recovery has been alot better than I expected. It was very uncomfortable for the first 6 days and at times agonising. My partner was my rock and I really don’t know how I would of managed without him. I was back to work after just one week with no pain at all and haven’t had any pain since.
Everybody has been amazing and I can’t thank them all enough! I would recommended mya to anybody considering surgery. My new boobies have changed my life! Xx
Another Before & After xx
That was so interesting and helpful to read hunni,your boobs are looking fab bet your over the moon…..I can’t wait to have mine 5th of September can’t come quick enough xx that sports bra on the last pic looks so comfortable can I ask where it’s from and if it is very supportive? xx
Aww Thanks hunni I’m really happy now although I wasn’t at first. I’ve been through so many ups and downs with them, one minute I loved them the next I hated them. They seemed to be settling at differnt stages making them look really odd but they finally seem to be catching up now and I’m really happy! It’s such an emotional rollercoaster but worth it in the end
Not long left for you now it will absolutely fly by and be here before you know it that’s a really really thin sports bra from Primark it isn’t supportive at all but really comfy for inbetween surgery bra washes for an hour. I’ve been using the macom and m&s post op bra but prefer the macom xxx
@rachforde they look amazing Hun, your story is a big help of what to expect. Thank you for sharing xx
@skeldingjoanne Thankyou hunni, I’m glad it’s helped :)) xxx
Thanks for sharing that rachael…..I didn’t think about in between bra’s while washing will add that to my very long list lol….they really do look amazing hun,I hope I’m ready for the ups and downs but I don’t think you can ever be ready from what I’ve heard on here about everyone’s journey’s xxx
@mitchx Haha yeah I remember the list well, it just kept on growing. Make sure you get two V pillows one isn’t enough I needed a few little ones under my back too so sleeping upright was a little easier. You’ll be absolutely fine hunni just take your pain killers regular and don’t forget ice packs, they are a god send and will become your new best friends. Other than your new assets that is haha xxx
They were meant to be smiley faces but come out like question marks xxxxxx
@hollypamelapalmer Aww Thankyou lovely! :-)* alot of these smiles don’t work on mine either so I just stick with this haha. How are you feeling now? Xxxxxx
Thank you so much for sharing your journey and especially day of op in so much detail! It’s so reassuring to read, I’ve got 3 weeks til my op and keep going from nervous to excited (but mostly excited!) you look amazing, I bet you’re so glad, I can’t wait to join the booby gang and share my story to try and help people as well xxx
Thanks hunni and 2 v pillows how did you have them set up if you don’t mind me asking I really have no idea what I’m in for lol I have 1 v pillow and did a little tester but didn’t no how to set it up on the bed if you get me xx
Aww you’re welcome Laura & Thankyou! I’m glad it’s helped I think everybody goes through the same emotions it’s so scary. I.was a nightmare before mine haha but once you get there you wonder what all the worrying was for, it was one of the best days of my life xxx
Haha I was like this I thought sleeping was going to be a doddle after but nope :O if you lie down by accident it takes ages to get back up I had to be pulled back up so many times. I had mine in a diamond shape so the upside down v first then the right way up on top of that I have my normal pillows at the back too but still manage to slide down the bed. I know girls have used them pop up back rests for bed I think that would of made life easier xxx
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