My Story with Mya … for all u girlies waiting for ur BAs! :-D Started by: kara39

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  • kara39

    I just thought I should write some feedback about my experience as these forums were so helpful before I had my op.

    I had my BA on 31/3 with Mr Chantarasak. He is excellent, a little quiet and to the point, but I prefer that. He told me on my initial consultation quite honestly that my boobs were very droopy! He did say I was borderline needing an uplift on my right boob (measured 23 and a half cms from collar, where as left was 22) but I decided to go ahead without and we discussed that its something I could consider in the future if I wanted to make them perfect.

    Due to my droopy 34Bs I had to hav large implants to fill the skin so we decided on 435cc and obviously I had to go over the muscle. The staff at the hospital were lovely and couldnt do enough for you. The operation itself took less than an hour. On waking I felt groggy and as if there was a heavy weight on my chest but after some morphine and a nap I was itching to go home!

    So, Im now just over 3 weeks post op … stitches came out fine, healing well, my scars are sooo neat and tiny :-D for the first two weeks I had sharp stabbing pains intermittantly but that has stopped now. Im pretty much back to normal, apart from still wearing the hideous sports bras! I have been measured already in La Senza as 34 FF and Ann Summers as 34 F! A little larger than expected but I love them and dont actually think they look huge! Sometimes I wish I was bigger! I would definitely advise girls to go for as big as you can! :-D

    Hope this helps and good luck :-) xx


    Congratulations on your new boobs! I’m glad everything went well. I’m a 32B & would like to go to a 32D so I’ve been offered 340&380 or 380&410 (cos one boob slightly smaller). I dunno which option to go for cos I don’t wanna be massive but everyone on here says they wish they’d gone with the bigger option so I dunno! x


    Congratulations Kara, glad everything went well. Have you got any pictures?

    Mimi, I’m a 32b and undecided between 380 or 410 unders!! Think I’m edging towards the 410’s as really not that much difference and like you said, all the girls on here so go for the biggest your offered!

    I’m in on 14th May with Mr Singh at Highgate!! :)


    hi im having a ba soon and the reason being saggy boobs after kids am slightly concerned tho with all this loose skin their going 2 be huge?? am a 32d now and dont really wanna b 2 big as still wanna b able to buy nice bras and undies!! Any body got any pics i can see to show me wot i may look like without my saggy friends?!! would be v.grateful

    thanks girlies

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