My surgery is next Saturday the 26th of jan!! Started by: Kimberley Roberts

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    Hey Ladies
    I have my surgery booked next Saturday the 26th at Fitzroy with Dr A Tsekouras
    I am extremely nervous on what to expect, the pain, waking up after my op and recovery time etc so any advice is very much appreciated please.
    I am currently a 32c and I have opted to have 375cc over but I do have the option to go to 400cc and from what I’m reading everybody says you should go bigger?

    Kirsty 12

    From what I have seen most people go for the biggest option I know I will when I finally book in ☺️ The surgeon won’t offer 400cc if your body couldn’t handle it and many people dont seem to be happy with there new boobs until after they have dropped and fluffed! But it’s each to there own I am going from a D to an E or F hopefully and I know that it’s easily achieved when having implants so ???? Pain levels seem to depend on the person and if you have them over or under the muscle ??‍♀️ Fingers crossed it all goes smoothly keep us updated!!

    Rebecca 29

    I’m 5 days post op and i went for the biggest implant i could have which was the 400cc however in my left breast is 350 because my chest was asymmetrical before. I was worried about being put to sleep but it felt like it was over in seconds! As soon as i woke up i looked under my gown haha. The day after the op is the worst day i think because i felt like i’d been kicked about, i’ve had twinges now and then but no major pain, good luck with your op! Xx

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    Elle 81

    My op is on the 29th and I was offered 375 and 400 so I wanted them to be as big as I could go really! Honestly there isn’t much different between the two so I would go bigger! I have seen quite a few people who have regretted not getting bigger xx

    Clare K 22

    Good luck Kimberley. Keep us updated with the progress and what you decide. Ive also opted for 400cc overs. Def go biggest you can. Ive got my op on the 31st xx

    Ruth 116

    I had my surgery on 2nd Jan, honestly the best thing I’ve ever done. I had 350cc HP overs and pain afterwards was minimal but I have a really high pain threshold, had 2 paracetamol after surgery but after that I didn’t take anything. Pain varies from person to person. Day 2/3 I found the worst with stiffness/acheness you’ll need someone around to help you afterwards. As for the anaesthetic make sure you tell your nurse on admission of fears you have about being put to sleep, staff are brilliant at offering reassurance and having a calming effect on patients. Good luck with your surgery ? xx

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by Ruth 116.
    Kelly 2

    Trust me I’m 2 days post op & I’m struggling to move lol under my armpits hurt & i feel stiff trust me it gets worse after day 1 lol I’m thinking by day 5 I’ll feel a little better.

    Monica 122

    I’ll repeat the above, first days you can find terrible but it really gets better around day 5 ☺️
    I would go bigger. There’s not that much difference between 2 sizes and you don’t want to regret things afterwards and keep thinking what if.

    Fingers crossed xx

    Louise 20

    Hi Kimberley. I’m at the Fitzroy on 26th too – Dr Giannas though. My admission time is 7.30am so I’m hoping to be done early.
    I’m having 400cc (36b now) HP overs… I want a natural look and not too big but it was also between 375 and 400. Opted for the 400 as I figured if I’m doing it then it may as well be worth it haha.

    Jessica 26

    Everyone keeps saying 5 days and you’ll be fine. I had my surgery on Monday 7th Jan so I’m now 13 days post op and i’m still in pain! I can definitely do more than I could in the early days but still can’t do everything. Maybe I’m just a massive wimp ? I had 375cc overs but also an uplift in both. I still have quite a lot of bruises and everything is still very tender. I will try and upload some photos I took yesterday!

    Bearing this in mind, I had Dr Tsekouras and cannot recommend him enough!! He was so friendly and when I went to see the nurse last Monday, she said my incisions are so clean and neat and they will heal very nicely.

    Jessica 26

    Trying to upload my photos again x

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by Jessica 26.
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    Hi Louise
    My admission time is 7.30 also hun so I will probably see you there.
    Good luck I hope it all goes well for you.
    I want exactly the same as you a natural look I think my mind is made on the 400


    Jess thank you so much for this, bless you!!
    I hope the pain eases off soon.
    I only have 9 days booked it work so I’m praying my recovery won’t be too long. I only drive doing field sales at the moment so no heavy lifting or anything like that but I’m worried and hoping I will be well enough to go back as I only recently started the job.
    They look amazing though you must be so pleased.
    I’m so glad you said how good the surgeon is when I met him he seemed so lovely.

    Sarah 45

    Wow jessica your results look amazing im having 375 hp overs on 15th feb hope my results are like yours xxx

    Monica 122

    Jessica you achieved a really good result ?
    Most of us say that the pain is going to ease at around 5th day but everyone is different and of course it doesn’t apply to everyone. I had to stick to pills for around 5 days when I saw girls here taking it only on day 1 and 2. So everyone’s different.
    I hope though that you’re going to be much better soon.

    Kimberley, 9 days should be fine if you’re not doing any kind of physical activities at work. Just take it easy and if your boss is inforned what’s going on, you’re not going to be put into sth beyond your capacity.

    Good luck girls xx

    Alex 15

    It’s you decision entirely, but like most others I’m going to go as large as the surgeon thinks I can. 25cc is not a massive difference, it’s the same as a 25ml shot of alcohol.

    Good luck, and I’m sure you’ll love your results either way you choose x

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