My UPLIFT & BA 350, textured, overs Started by: Hannah

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  • Hannah 32

    Hi all I wanted to make a post on my recent experience and of the things you may need to prepare for for after surgery.

    I had my surgery Friday 5th May at the HCA Wilmslow with Mr Netri. I am just over 5’9, 10 st 10 and starting size was 32c. I decided to have the biggest advised which was 350CC.
    My admission time was 7am, I went in and they took my blood pressure, gave me my compression socks and I had to change into my gown. About 8am Mr Netri came to check on me and draw up ready for Surgery, I went down for surgery at about 9am and as I had an uplift was out for about 11am. All happened so quick didn’t really have time to overthink it haha.

    The anaesthetist and all of the nursers were very calming and I had no worries at all, it all happened super quick!! When I woke properly I had some fruit and a sandwich and literally was ready to go home with my meds at around 3pm.
    The first night was probably the worst as I only got around 2 hours sleep, getting out of bed was probably the hardest thing for me. And you feel like your implants might fall out when you stand up because of the pressure but this is normal.. just a very strange feeling. So just take it easy and get up slowly!

    Painwise I am OK! Just some sharp pains where my stitches are but so far that is it (I hope it stays that way)!!

    General Advice:
    -Put your hair in a plait for surgery.
    -Buy plenty of dry shampoo.
    -Prepare for the bloating and constipation, it is probably the worst part tbh.
    -Set alarms on your phone for your meds. I do every 3 hours for codeine, every other 3 hours for paracetamol and 3 times a day for antibiotics so I don’t get confused!
    -Buy some freezable ice packs to sit on the top of your breasts, you may not really need them but it feels soooo nice.
    -Make sure your bedroom and house is spotless before surgery so you don’t go home to a mess haha, I laid all of my clothes out for the week and was so glad I did!
    -I also did a big food shop buying lots of fruit and meal prepped and froze these so I don’t have to cook in the week.

    I am now 6 DPO and have attached some pics! I am happy so far but can’t wait to see the final result when they start dropping cos they’re super hard atm

    What to bring to the hospital:
    Lateral flow tests from night before and morning before surgery
    Surgical bra
    Phone/kindle (something to occupy you)
    Wet wipes
    Shoes easy to get on and off (I brought sliders to go home in)

    Good luck to anyone going for a BA / UPLIFT soon!!xxx

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by Hannah 32.
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    Hannah 32

    This is a few days PO.

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    Not sure whether to stay in overnight or go home what’s your advice?

    Hannah 32

    Hey, I didn’t stay over because I knew I’d be in more pain the following day so I wanted to be at home with all my comforts, but it’s totally up to you! Part of me wanted to stay though but glad I didn’t personally x


    Hi Hannah boobs look great how are you getting how are they looking now? What’s the scarring like? I’m having uplift and implants on the 11th june x

    Hannah 32

    Hi Christine, so this is 18DPO I’m loving the way they look now had my dressings off on Monday but still have strips on them as you can see. The nurse and surgeon were super impressed by my scarring but I won’t see proper til Monday so I’ll upload another pic then!
    Good luck with❤️❤️

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    They look amazing keep me updated, I’m so nervous now. How bad is the pain? Xx

    Hannah 32

    Hey Christine I have everything fully off now and can finally put scar treatment on! I’m so impressed with the scarring so far. Also the pain isn’t bad it was just more uncomfortable just make sure you take everything slowly. Im over 3 weeks now and just about feel like I can finally lift things properly and walk around without much discomfort xx you will be fine it’s so exciting once it comes around xx

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by Hannah 32.
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    The scarring looks so good for 3 weeks, did you have 350cc I think I read?
    I have kids so worrying about doing stuff my partner can only take 3 days off to help at home so hoping the pain isn’t too bad.
    But seriously your boobs look amazing babe, I’m having 400cc in left and 300cc in right as I’ve got a D cup and a B cup. I’m so excited tho now xxx

    Hannah 32

    Yes I had 350cc 🙂 thank you so much honestly it’ll be the best thing u ever do!
    Aw how old are your children? I was able to lift about 2 weeks after but I bet it will be a little more difficult if you have little ones. At least your partner can help you through the worst days.
    Good luck sweetie ♥️


    I have 3 my youngest is 7 the other 2 are 14 so they will help it’s just the youngest one lol. I’m more concerned about doing my make up and washing my hair lol. What days would you say are the worst? I’m travelling to London and going home the next day by train with my friend god help me. I keep saying to myself I’ve had kids it can’t be as painful as that lol xx

    Hannah 32

    6 weeks PO update! One is slightly larger but still swollen! Tried a crop top on for the first time, I am sooo happy 🥰

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    Hannah 32

    When is yours Christine? I’d say day 2 is the worst well it was for me! I was able to wash my hair on the 5th day by myself (probs shouldn’t have) but I felt ok xxxx


    Hi Hannah I have had mine now I was on the 11th of June. It was the most awful pain I’ve ever experienced. I’m 9 days PO now.

    Bit freaked out with how my stitching is looks very horrific lol, but overall very happy with them, yours are looking amazing 😻

    I keep trying to add pictures but it’s not working xx


    Pictures 5 days post op

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    Hannah 32

    Aw Christine they look fab so far and so pushed together 😍 sorry it was so painful for you:( everyone is so different! Honestly the stitching will not seem so bad just hang in there xxxx


    The stitching I’ve had is with glue and stitching so the blood has dried on it and it looks horrendous. The pains loads better now thank god. Yours look really good on 18days pics . I’m 11days now and the scarring looks horrendous. I can’t see the scabs falling off for ages 😢

    Yours do look fab though would you say they get bigger and you heal? When they drop and fluff? Xx

    Hannah 32

    Aw I know at first the sight of it isn’t pretty but trust me it gets better!
    Erm tbh I don’t feel the size has changed they’ve just gone gone softer! X

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by Hannah 32.

    @cjasmine88 how is your scarring now? My surgeon used glue too and I nearly fainted when I first saw the scars all dried up and scabby! Some of the glue bits have now fallen off but I’m struggling to envision what the scars will actually look like after its all off x


    Hi lovely if you want me to be completely honest I’m not happy with scarring, I’m seeing the surgeon on Wednesday. To see if anything can be be done as the scars are really thick. But yes it’s horrific when you first see them hopefully yours settle down. Who was your surgeon? Xx

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    @cjasmine88 as this was re augmentation for me due to CC my surgen had to make bigger scars than my previous one as the capsules were really bad and he couldn’t remove them inside, I had them done elsewhere the second time. They’re a lot better now the glue is off but will be a lot more prominent, I can just tell! Hope he has some suggestions for you, they honestly don’t look bad but I know how critical we are off ourselves x

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