My wife day 1 Started by: Toni

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  • Toni 1

    Not sure if we should be concerned or not…

    My wife had her breasts enlarged yesterday 350cc high profile on top of the muscle… I’ve just arrived to pick her up as she stayed over at Fitzroy last night.. she didn’t have her macom bra put on until this morning some 12hrs later after the operation.. is this normal? As her left breast looks like it’s under her arm pit?? The cleavage has a larger gap than I thought she would have and looks uneven… it’s given me serious doubts as to wether I should have mine done…. or is allnof this perfectly normal for day 1

    Worried for her thank you Toni x

    Jamie 55

    They take sometimes months to settle and even out, treat each breast as a separate operation and give it time, is she had a large gap before that probably won’t change because of implants, but in a few months when they have settled it may look better, don’t panic I’m sure they will look great in time x

    Jenna x 53

    It’s odd that the bra was put on 12 hours after surgery? I had strapping put on before even being in recovery and the bra over the strapping before I went home and that was day surgery. I’d keep a close eye on that deffo xx

    Olivia 4

    I had my bra put on a few hours after the surgery. I thought it was odd too. I had to request to put it on too.
    I’m sure it’ll be fine. Mine look odd too but as everyone says they will settle x

    Becca 168

    Even within a few days they will begin to change and look so different already, I literally looked as though I was smuggling oranges under my armpits at first and the gap looked very wide as though my boobs had fallen out with each other, but within a few days they looked much more relaxed and normal. I think she will be absolutely fine, she will have a lot of swelling right now which will be distorting the overall look. Don’t panic, it will get better.

    Toni 1

    Thank you for all of your replies…. you’re all right even after s few days they look so much better and so much of the swelling has already gone…. andvthe bra has aligned them properly to create cleavage..

    Thx again as Sarah is first and mine are due April May time and was very nervous

    Becca 168

    Ah that’s such good news! And they will only keep on getting better as the weeks pass.

    I think going through this together will be great for you both as it’s rare to have somebody else be able to understand exactly what you are going through.

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