Mya aftercare..please share good and bad!! Started by: A30

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  • A30 1


    I’m swaying between two companies of where to book my BA and I just want to make sure if anything goes wrong that I’m looked after. Has anyone had anything go wrong and needed to use the aftercare or been worried about something and needed to ring them?


    I haven’t had my op yet it’s 22nd Nov.but I spoke to my pc and she really explained the aftercare to me which sold me they seemed better tranche other company I looked


    Im only 10 days post op but so far the after care has been great ive had many phone calls from them checking on how im feeling. asking how im coping with pain etc which was for me very slight Mr Traynor great surgeon cant praise him highly enough just had a call from them yesterday booking my 6 week post op check they seam to be really on the ball ….my clinic was the Newcastle one I cant speak for other clinics

    A30 1

    Ok thanks both, any feed back people can give me will help me decide. I know what surgeon I want i just want to know I’m in the best hands if anything goes wrong. X

    Francesca -1

    I had great aftercare with MYA, my coordinator text me regularly and I was kept in the loop with everything xx

    A30 1

    Thanks Francesca. X

    ayshababy 5

    mines been all good with any worries ive had, if i had any questions i called my clinic (fenchurch) and they were always helpful and if i had any concerns could book in straight away to see a nurse.

    only little things here and there which were annoying like telling me an appointment is at fenchurch so i turned up there, for them to say oh no its at so and so.. which is hoursss away. so i couldnt go. (ive heard of this happening alot and a girl i know was told which hospital her op was at, got there only to be told no its elsewhere, so she had to drive for hours to get to the other hospital! that would make me even more nervous!)

    and also at my 1week post op check i turned up and ther was no nurse on duty atall so i had to wait 2 hours for one to come in, and she didnt even know what id had done she didnt have my paperwork or anything, i was so nervous (it was my first op) and i had to tell HER that she had to change my dressings and clean the scars! x

    A30 1

    Ok thanks Ashley, all feedback helps me decide. I had a bad experience with my consultation with the staff being very unprofessional and losing my notes and making me wait hours, so this is why I’m a little worried going ahead with my surgery just incase something goes wrong or I’m worried and I need some advise. Xx


    Overall I have no issues! There were one or two hiccups here like I wasn’t given my admission time, I rang up the day before and got it for 7.30 only get an email the morn of the op saying it was 6.30, I don’t live in the UK so I explained I wouldn’t be reachable by phone ect… but all in all these little things have to be expected as they have so many people in and out all the time I guess! I saw almost every clinic and Dr in the UK and Ireland and in all honesty MYA were the only clinic I trusted for my re op, I would recommend them to anyone, just make sure you do your research in to the do’s and don’t or pre/post op, I wasn’t told very much but I knew the ins and outs all ready anyway. x

    A30 1

    Ok thank Kaydee. X

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