MYA bra? Started by: Lacey

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  • Lacey 2

    Hi ladies,
    I’m all book to have my BA up on 3rd November ???? nervous, really isn’t the word haha.
    Anyway , I was wondering if anyone would know what size I would need… I’m guessing a medium but wanted to check with ladies with similar size. ???? I’m having 325cc up unders I’m currently a 32a size 8 possibly a 6 on top.
    Hope you can help ???? xxxx

    Lydia 85

    I’m the same size as you. At my first appointment my PC said a medium but at the second someone else said I’d definitely be a small. They’re quite soft/stretchy. I didn’t buy mya ones in the end as my pre op nurse (Jeanette) said they’re not great. I’ve ended up buying a 32c & 34c m&s zip sports bra, a Royce post surgery bra and pack of 2 soft sports bras from Asda. I’m just going to send back whatever doesn’t fit me! I’ve read that Macom are good too, size small fits a 32 chest +/- a bit for swelling too

    Lacey 2

    Aw this is great thank you so much @Lydiamay. Have you had your surgery yet? Is it as bad as I’m thinking it lol I’m so excited but so nervous at the same time. Lol
    I will shop around ???? xxx

    Lydia 85

    No, it’s next Thursday. It’s come around so fast! I’m excited but there’s no nerves yet. I’m usually ok until the day with things like this! X

    Stacey 498

    I got a large in my mya bra Hun if u go in the bra bit on mya website it gives u a guide on what size to buy if the mya bras by what size back you are and what size implant your having is say by your stats and implant size u would be a small in the mya bra xxx

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