On the 19th July 2021 there will be an official change in COVID-19 regulations for the general public, it is important to note that there is no change for Healthcare providers. The current COVID-19 restrictions and action plans continue until further notice.
Please attend appointments alone to reduce COVID-19 risk and wear a face mask to the MYA clinical hubs to ensure you are permitted entry. Please note COVID-19 vaccinations must not be within 1 week of your procedure date or 72 hours before clinic attendance. Contact telephone number to be added. Please call us on 03330 14 10 14 or email patientqueries@mya.co.uk if you need to reschedule your appointment.
We are sharing the enhanced safety measures that have been put in place to ensure that patients are fully informed before having their procedure with MYA. We want patients to feel reassured that we are doing everything possible to keep them safe and providing them with the highest level of care. Keeping our staff and patients safe is our main priority.
For further information click the link below > https://www.mya.co.uk/blog/news/keeping-mya-patients-safe-during-the-covid-19-pandemic
MYA Moderator
This topic was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by
myamoderator 138.